Math 112 Course Schedule

You should check this page frequently (i.e., daily) for updated information. I will post any notes, worksheets, labs, etc. distributed in class on this page. I will also post suggested daily practice problems on this page. Although you are not required to turn in the suggested daily practice problems, I strongly encourage you to work on them. Quiz problems will be taken verbatim from the suggested daily practice problems. Check the Math 112 Homework page for the homework assignments to be turned in and graded.

Class Date Topic Suggested practice problems Notes, worksheets, etc.
1 Monday January 14 4.2: l'Hopital's rule (note: photocopies of section 4.2 will be distributed in class) 4.2: 55-81 odd

Answers to suggested problems

l'Hopital's Rule Examples
2 Wednesday January 16 Review of 5.1-5.4; Integration by Substitution 5.4: 1-9 odd, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 47, 51, 57, 67, 69, 71, 73 Integration Review Worksheet
3 Friday
January 18
8.1: Integration by Parts 8.1: 9, 11, 13, 21, 31, 37, 45 Integration by Parts Worksheet

Why does integration by parts work?

4 Monday January 21 Homework 1 Due

8.2: Partial Fractions

8.2: 1, 5, 15, 17, 31 (challenge problem--for a hint, see Ex. 7 on p. 473), 35 Partial Fractions Worksheet
5 Wednesday January 23 Quiz 1

8.2: Partial Fractions (continued)

Integration Practice

Gateway Exam Starts

Practice for the Gateway Exam! Review old homeworks and in-class examples. Gateway Practice Problems

Maple file for evaluating integrals

This file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/ You can use Maple to check your answers on the Gateway Practice Problems.

6 Friday
January 25
5.6: Approximating Sums: The Integral as a Limit 5.6: 11, 15 (L_4, R_4 only--you don't need to compute the midpoint or trapezoid sums), 17 (L_4, R_4 only)
7 Monday January 28 Homework 2 Due

5.7: Sigma Notation

Evaluating Sums in Maple

5.7: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Sigma Notation Worksheet

Maple file for evaluating sums

This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

8 Wednesday January 30 Bring the worksheet titled "Approximating Integrals in Maple" with you to class on Friday!

No quiz--The quiz this week will be on Friday instead of Wednesday!

5.7: Working with Sums

5.7: 25, 35 (if you prefer, you can use right sums for #35--either left or right sums are fine), 41 Integrals as Riemann Sums
9 Friday
February 1
Bring the worksheet titled "Approximating Integrals in Maple" with you to class!

Note: No office hours today!

Quiz 2

Numerical Approximations of Integrals in Maple

Work on the in-class worksheet

Please finish #1-7 (i.e. up to page 3) before class on Monday. We will talk about the problems on p. 4 in class on Monday.

In-class worksheet: Approximating Integrals in Maple

Maple file for approximating integrals

This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

10 Monday February 4 Homework 3 Due

6.1: Numerical Approximation of Integrals

6.1: 3; 5 (a); 15, 17

Note: On 5(a), you don't need to compute S_20.

Summary of Numerical Approximation Results

Maple file

This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

11 Wednesday February 6 Quiz 3

In-class lab: Numerical Approximation

6.2: Error bounds

6.2: 5, 11, 13, 15, 17 Error bounds

Carpeting Problem. You may work in groups of no more than three students on the carpeting problem. If your group submits a complete solution to the carpeting problem anytime before Wednesday, February 20, each member of your group will earn 2 extra credit points on Exam 1. This lab is adopted from "Writing Projects for Mathematics Courses," published by the MAA.

12 Friday
February 8

7.1: Area between curves

7.1: Arc length

7.1: 15, 17, 21, 23, 43, 47 Area between curves

Arc length

13 Monday February 11 Homework 4 Due

7.2: Volumes

Worksheet/notes: Cross-sectional volumes
14 Wednesday February 13 Quiz 4

More work with volumes

Visualizing volumes in Maple

7.2: 11, 13, 15, 17 Worksheet/notes: Volumes of revolution

In-class practice problems

Working with volumes in Maple

This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

15 Friday
February 15
Formal derivation of the arc length formula

The Goblet Project

Study for Exam 1. The Goblet Project

Some sample goblets from a previous Calc B class

Maple file for constructing piecewise functions

You may work in groups of up to 3 on the goblet project. If your group submits a complete solution for the goblet project anytime before Wednesday, February 20, each member of your group will earn 2 extra credit points on Exam 1.

16 Monday February 18 Homework 5 Due

Review for Exam 1

Study for Exam 1.
17 Wednesday February 20 Exam 1

Carpet Problem Due (2 extra credit points on Exam 1)

Goblet Project Due (2 extra credit points on Exam 2)

18 Friday
February 22
2.5: Intro. to Differential Equations (note: photocopies of section 2.5 will be distributed in class) 2.5: 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 43

Answers to the practice problems

Intro. to DE's worksheet
19 Monday February 25 7.4: Separable Differential Equations 7.4: 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31 Separable DE's worksheet
20 Wednesday February 27 Newton's Law of Cooling

Begin Differential Equations Lab

Newton's Law of Cooling worksheet

Maple file

This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

Differential Equations Lab: Due Friday, March 21, 5:00 pm

21 Friday
February 29
Homework 6 Due

Differential Equations Lab

Last day to take/retake the Gateway Exam

22 Monday
March 17
10.1: Improper Integrals 10.1: 7-19 odd, 29, 33, 41, 47, 51

Note: you should wait until after Wednesday's class to do problems 15, 29, 41, 47, 51.

Improper integrals worksheet
23 Wednesday March 19 Quiz 5. Quiz 5 will cover section 2.5 (intro. to DE's) and section 7.4 (separable DE's).

10.2: Convergence of Improper Integrals

Practice with Improper Integrals

10.1: 15, 29, 41, 47, 51

Work on the Practice with Improper Integrals worksheet

Answers to the practice with improper integrals worksheet

Convergence of improper integrals worksheet

Practice with improper integrals worksheet

Answers to the practice with improper integrals worksheet

24 Friday
March 21
Continued work on improper integrals Work on the Practice with Improper Integrals worksheet

Answers to the practice with improper integrals worksheet

Practice with improper integrals worksheet

Answers to the practice with improper integrals worksheet

25 Monday
March 24
Homework 7 Due

11.1: Introduction to Sequences

11.1: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 27, 53

Sequences Practice Problems worksheet

Answers to the Sequences Practice Problems

Intro. to Sequences worksheet

Sequences, part 2 worksheet

Sequences Practice Problems worksheet

Answers to the Sequences Practice Problems

26 Wednesday March 26

11.1: The Squeeze Theorem

Practice with Sequences

11.2: Introduction to Series

Sequences Practice Problems worksheet

Note: You don't have to do #20 on the Sequences Practice Problems worksheet.

Answers to the Sequences Practice Problems

Introduction to Series

Sequences Practice Problems worksheet

Note: You don't have to do #20 on the Sequences Practice Problems worksheet.

Answers to the Sequences Practice Problems

Introduction to Series worksheet

27 Friday March 28 Work on the practice problems for 11.1, the Sequences Practice Problems worksheet, the practice problems for 11.2, and the Intro. to Series Practice Problems worksheet. Sequences Practice Problems worksheet

Note: You don't have to do #20 on the Sequences Practice Problems worksheet.

Answers to the Sequences Practice Problems

11.2: 1(a); 19; 25(a),(b),(c); 39; 41.

See Example 9 in your book, or Example 7 on your in-class series worksheet, for a hint on #39. See Example 5 in your book, or Example 5 on your in-class series worksheet, for a hint on #41.

Intro. to Series Practice Problems worksheet

Answers to the Intro. to Series Practice Problems worksheet

Introduction to Series worksheet

Intro. to Series Practice Problems worksheet

Answers to the Intro. to Series Practice Problems worksheet

28 Monday
March 31
Homework 8 Due

11.2: Geometric Series

11.2: 11, 13, 17, 23, 25, 39, 41, 43, 45, 49 Geometric Series
29 Wednesday April 2 Quiz 6: Sequences and Intro. to Series

11.3: Convergence Tests

Practice with Series

More Series Practice Problems worksheet

Answers to the More Series Practice Problems worksheet

Convergence Tests

Why does the harmonic series diverge?

30 Friday April 4 11.4: Absolute Convergence and the Alternating Series Test 11.4: 9, 19. Note: For each of these problems, you only need to determine whether the given series converges or diverges. You do NOT need to do any of the estimations/upper/lower bounds.

11.4: 11, 21. Use the Ratio Test for these problems. For each of these problems, you only need to determine whether the given series converges or diverges. You do NOT need to do any of the estimations/upper/lower bounds.

Absolute Convergence and Alternating Series
31 Monday
April 7
Homework 9 Due

11.5: Power Series

11.5: 3, 7, 9 Intro. to Power Series
32 Wednesday April 9 Quiz 7: Series

11.5: Power Series

Practice with Power Series

11.5: 27, 29, 31

Power Series Practice Problems (answers are included on the worksheet so that you can check your work)

Intro. to Power Series

Summary of tests for convergence and divergence of series

33 Friday April 11

11.6: Power Series as Functions, Part 1

Do the practice problems on the Power Series as Functions, Part 1 worksheet (answers are included on the worksheet so that you can check your work) Power Series as Functions, Part 1
34 Monday
April 14
Review for Exam 2
35 Wednesday April 16 Homework 10 Due

Exam 2

36 Friday April 18 11.6: Power Series as Functions, Part 2 Do the practice problems on the Power Series as Functions, Part 2 worksheet

Here are solutions to the practice problems so that you can check your work. Note: no simpliciation is necessary for these problems. In particular, it is NOT necessary to simplify your answers as much as I have on the posted solutions. As long as you have any one of the forms of the solutions that I have posted, that is fine. You do not need to worry about simplifying to the other expressions. On number 3, the third term in the expanded form containing x should be 1/18*x^18.

Power Series as Functions, Part 2
37 Monday
April 21
11.7: Taylor Series Review your in-class notes on Taylor Series. In particular, make sure you understand how the Taylor Series formula is derived. Taylor Series
38 Wednesday April 23 Morning section in Tomsich 103!!

Homework 11 Due

Quiz 8: Power Series. The quiz problems will be taken from the Power Series as Functions, Part 2 practice problems.

Practice with Taylor Series.

Practice Problems: Taylor and Maclaurin series. Here are solutions to these practice problems so that you can check your work as you go. Taylor Series
39 Friday April 25 Morning section in Tomsich 103!!

More practice with Taylor and Maclaurin Series

Bring your Taylor and Maclaurin Series practice problems and your Homework 12 worksheet to class.

40 Monday
April 28
Homework 12 Due

9.1: Taylor Polynomials

Practice with Taylor Polynomials

Graphing Taylor Polynomials using Maple

9.1: 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27. For each of these problems, just find the Maclaurin or Taylor polynomial for the given function. You do not need to do the part about the approximation error.

Note: You will not have any problems to turn in from Section 9.1, so you should work on the practice problems to make sure that you understand the material in Section 9.1. Also make sure that you do the examples on the in-class Taylor Polynomials worksheet. The solutions and Maple graphs for those examples are posted (see the links to the right).

Taylor Polynomials

Here are the solutions for the Taylor Polynomials examples on the worksheet. This Maple file illustrates the graphs that you should obtain for each of the example problems. This Maple file is also posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/CalcB/

41 Wednesday April 30 Quiz 9: Taylor Series and Polynomials. The quiz problems will be taken from the Practice Problems: Taylor and Maclaurin Series worksheet.

9.2: Error Bounds for Taylor Polynomials

9.2: 3(a); 5(a); 9(a),(b); 17

Note: You will not have any problems to turn in from Section 9.2, so you should work on the practice problems to make sure that you understand the material in Section 9.2.

Error Bounds for Taylor Polynomials
42 Friday May 2 Conclusions

Course Evaluations

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