Math 112 Exam Information

Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam

Exam 1

Exam 1 will be on Wednesday, February 20, 2008, and will cover the following material: To study for Exam 1, you should review your in-class notes, suggested practice problems, homework problems, and quiz problems. To study for a mathematics test, I recommend DOING as many practice problems as possible (instead of just reading old solutions).

Here is a list of some useful review problems for Exam 1:

Here are some practice exam questions for Exam 1. Note that inclusion or exclusion of a particular topic on the practice exam DOEST NOT mean that that topic will necessarily be included or excluded on the actual exam. The practice exam is just to give you some more practice problems to work on. You should, of course, study your class notes, homework problems, and quiz problems in addition to the practice exam. Solutions to the practice exam are now posted.

Warning: Do not look at or print out the solutions to the above practice problems until after working on them yourself, taking some time, and going back later to try any problems you couldn't do the first time again. Doing the problems while looking at the answers renders them almost completely useless as preparation for taking an exam.

Exam 1 has been graded, and the grade information is as follows:

If grades were to be assigned solely on the basis of Exam 1, the grade distribution would be (approximately) as follows:

Exam 1 Solutions as a .pdf file.

Exam 2

Exam 2 will be on Wednesday, April 16, 2008, and will cover the following material:

To study for Exam 2, you should review your in-class notes, suggested practice problems, homework problems, and quiz problems. To study for a mathematics test, I recommend DOING as many practice problems as possible (instead of just reading old solutions). In particular, I have posted several worksheets containing practice problems on the Course Schedule page, and re-working those problems would be useful practice for Exam 2. If you would like to do some additional review problems on sequences and series, your textbook contains a Chapter 11 Summary Section (p. 601-605). In the Review Exercises Section (p. 602-605), the following would be good review problems:

Here are some practice exam questions for Exam 2. Note that inclusion or exclusion of a particular topic on the practice exam DOEST NOT mean that that topic will necessarily be included or excluded on the actual exam. The practice exam is just to give you some more practice problems to work on. You should, of course, study your class notes, homework problems, and quiz problems in addition to the practice exam. Here is an Answer Key for Practice Exam 2. Here are some worked out solutions and hints to the practice exam.

Warning: Do not look at or print out the solutions to the above practice problems until after working on them yourself, taking some time, and going back later to try any problems you couldn't do the first time again. Doing the problems while looking at the answers renders them almost completely useless as preparation for taking an exam.

Exam 2 has been graded, and the grade information is as follows:

If grades were to be assigned solely on the basis of Exam 2, the grade distribution would be (approximately) as follows:

Exam 2 Solutions as a .pdf file.

Final Exam

The Final Exam will be comprehensive. Here is some information about the final exam, including the types of questions that you should be prepared for and some relevant review problems. The final exam will be approximately the length of the in-class exams, though you will be permitted to use all three hours if you wish. Approximately 50% of the final exam will be on power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, and Taylor and Maclaurin polynomials. Here are solutions for the Chapter 5 Summary problems, the problems in Section 8.4, and the Chapter 11 Summary problems:

The time and date of the final exam depends on the section that you're registered for:

You must take the exam during the time and date that corresponds to the section that you are registered for, regardless of which section you typically attend. If you wish to take the exam with the other section, please email me to make such a request. In the email, please include the section that you are registered for and the time that you wish to take the final exam.

Exam Week Office Hours:
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