Math 333 Course Schedule

You should check this page frequently (i.e., daily) for updated information. I will post any notes, worksheets, labs, etc. distributed in class on this page.

Class Date Topic Notes, worksheets, Maple files, etc.
1 Tuesday
January 15
1.1: Modeling with Differential Equations
2 Thursday
January 17
1.2: Separation of Variables

Homogeneous Differential Equations

1.3: Slope Fields

Graphical Simulations in Maple

Constructing slope fields in Maple

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P:drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

3 Tuesday
January 22
Homework 1 due

Quiz 1

Numerical Simulations in Maple: read 1.4, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 in the textbook

1.5: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions

Euler's method for numerical approximation of IVP's in Maple

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P:drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

Numeric simulations of IVP's in Maple

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P:drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

Some practice with partial derivatives (for those of you that have not taken Calc C). Please let me know if you would like additional practice problems.

4 Thursday
January 24
1.5: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions

1.6: Equilibria and the Phase Line

The Existence and Uniqueness Theorems
5 Tuesday
January 29
Homework 2 due

1.7: Bifurcations

1.8: Intro to Linear Equations

Maple worksheet for bifurcation diagrams

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

Introduction to Linear Equations

6 Thursday
January 31
Note: No office hours on Friday!

Quiz 2

1.9: Integrating Factors for Linear Equations

Integrating Factors for Linear Equations
7 Tuesday
February 5
Homework 3 due

2.1: Modeling with Systems

2.2: The Geometry of Systems

Simulation of Systems

Introduction to modeling with systems

Maple file for graphical simulation of systems

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

8 Thursday
February 7
Quiz 3

Modeling second-order DE's using systems of first-order DE's

Begin Lab 1

Maple file for the simple harmonic oscillator

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

Maple file for the damped harmonic oscillator

This Maple worksheet is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

9 Tuesday
February 12
Homework 4 due

Introduction to second order differential equations

Second order linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients

Note: For the next few weeks, we will NOT be following the textbook. I will post lecture notes here on the Course Schedule page that should serve as your reference material. I will also post power point slides that you can use as an additional reference. The reference material will supplement the lecture discussions, though the lecture discussions will be self-contained.

Lecture notes on second order DE's and solving second order linear homogeneous DE's with constant coefficients

Here is a power point file on second order DE's and solving second order linear homogeneous DE's with constant coefficients. When you click on the link, you will be able to open the power point presentation or save it as a file to view later.

10 Thursday
February 14
Quiz 4

Fundamental solutions of second order DE's

Lecture notes on fundamental solutions of second order linear DE's

Power point file on fundamental solutions of second order linear DE's

11 Tuesday
February 19
Homework 5 due

Complex roots of the characteristic equation

Lecture notes on complex roots of the characteristic equation

Power point file on complex roots of the characteristic equation

12 Thursday
February 21
Quiz 5

Lab 1 due

Take-home midterm distributed

Repeated roots of the characteristic equation

Lecture notes on repeated roots of the characteristic equation

Power point file on repeated roots of the characteristic equation

Summary of results for second-order linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients

13 Tuesday
February 26
Reduction of order Lecture notes on the reduction of order technique.
14 Thursday
February 28
No class!

Take-home midterm due 5:00 pm

15 Tuesday
March 18
Homework 6 due. This homework will not be collected or graded, but you should complete the problems as practice for Quiz 6.

Forced second-order differential equations. This material corresponds (approximately) to Sections 4.1 and 4.2 in your textbook. You should use the posted lecture notes as reference material.

Lecture notes on forced second-order DE's
16 Thursday
March 20
Quiz 6: Solutions of second-order linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients and the reduction of order technique.

Forced second-order differential equations (continued). This material corresponds (approximately) to Sections 4.1 and 4.2 in your textbook. You should use the posted lecture notes as reference material.

Lecture notes on forced second-order DE's

Maple file for symbolic differentiation (Example 5 from the lecture notes). This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

17 Tuesday
March 25
Homework 7 due.

Qualitative results: forced harmonic oscillators. See the posted lecture notes and Maple file for reference material.

Lecture notes on forced harmonic oscillators (see p. 1-3 of these lecture notes)

Maple simulation file for forced harmonic oscillators. This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

18 Thursday
March 27
Quiz 7: Solutions of forced second-order DE's

Qualitative results: damped harmonic oscillators

Lecture notes on damped harmonic oscillators (see p. 4-5 of these lecture notes)
19 Tuesday
April 1
Homework 8 due.

Qualitative results: sinusoidal forcing. See the posted lecture notes and Maple file for reference material.

Begin Lab 2. Lab 2 is due at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 18.

Lecture notes on sinusoidal forcing

Maple simulation file for sinusoidal forcing. This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/DiffEq/

20 Thursday
April 3
Higher order differential equations Lecture notes: Higher order differential equations (homogeneous)

Lecture notes: Higher order differential equations, part 2 (nonhomogeneous higher order differential equations)

21 Tuesday
April 8
Homework 9 due.

Review of power series

Intro. to series solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point

Series Review

Some important power series

Series Solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point. See p. 1 and Example 1 of these lecture notes.

22 Thursday
April 10
Quiz 8: Higher order differential equations

Homework 10 due.

Series solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point: Hermite polynomials

Series Solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point. See Example 2 (Hermite's equation) of these lecture notes.

Outline for solving differential equations using series methods.

23 Tuesday
April 15
Graphing (approximations of) series solutions

Series solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point: Airy's equation

Graphing series solutions

Maple file for plotting series solutions. This Maple file is posted on the P: drive at P:/Class/Math/Paquin/

Series Solutions of differential equations near an ordinary point. See Examples 3 and 4 (Airy's equation) of these lecture notes.

Here are some practice problems on series solutions. The answers are included so that you can check your work as you go. These problems will not be collected or graded. For each problem, you should find the general recurrence relation, and then use the recurrence relation to try to write down the general solution of the DE. If you can't observe the general formula for the a_n, it's ok to just write down the first several terms of the series solution. In the posted solutions, don't worry about the y_1(x) and y_2(x). Just make sure that you are able to obtain the recurrence relation.

24 Thursday
April 17
No in-class quiz--take home quiz due Thursday, April 24!

Lab 2 is due at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 18.

Begin discussion of series solutions near a singular point

Regular singular points

Summary of general theory of series solutions near an ordinary point

Regular singular points

25 Tuesday
April 22
Homework 11 due.

Begin discussion of Euler equations. Practice problems on Euler equations (that will not be collected or graded) are posted on the Homework page.

Euler Equations
26 Thusday
April 24
Take-home quiz due.

Continued discussion of Euler equations.

Series solutions near a regular singular point.

Lecture notes: Series solutions near a regular singular point.
27 Tuesday
April 29
Take-home final exam distributed. Due at 11:30 am on Monday, May 5

Series solutions near a regular singular point.

Lecture notes: Series solutions near a regular singular point.
28 Thursday
May 1

Course Evaluations

Conclusions: What course(s) should you take after Differential Equations?

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