Math 333 Quizzes

There will usually be a short quiz on Thursdays. Unless otherwise specified, you will not be allowed to use any notes or books on the quizzes. The quizzes will comprise 10% of your final grade in this course. Solutions to all quizzes will be posted here.
  1. Quiz 1 Tuesday, January 22, 2008.

    Quiz 1 Solutions. Notes: On Problem 2, most pepole forgot the equilibrium solutions y_1(t)=2 and y_2(t)=-2. To solve Problem 3, use the method of change of variables that we discussed in class on Thursday, January 17.

    Quiz 1 Grade Information: Mean 11.5; Median 12; Std. Dev. 1.7

  2. Quiz 2 Thursday, January 31, 2008.

    Quiz 2 Solutions. Notes: On Problem 3, only parts (a) and (b) were graded. When I wrote the problem, my intention was that the y(t) with specified initial condition in part (b) was the same y(t) in parts (c) and (d), but this was not clear as stated. I apologize for the confusion. In the future, please ask me during a quiz if anything is unclear. Please take a look at the solutions and make sure that you understand the solutions for parts (c) and (d), assuming that the y(t) in parts (c) and (d) is the same y(t) as in part (b) with the specified initial condition -1
    Quiz 2 Grade Information: Mean 14.3; Median 15; Std. Dev. 0.97

  3. Quiz 3 Thursday, February 7, 2008.

    Quiz 3 Solutions.

    Quiz 3 Grade Information: Mean 13.1; Median 14; Std. Dev. 1.8

  4. Quiz 4 Thursday, February 14, 2008.

    Quiz 4 Solutions.

    Quiz 4 Grade Information: Mean 11.2; Median 11; Std. Dev. 1.4

  5. Quiz 5 Thursday, February 21, 2008.

    Quiz 5 Solutions.

  6. Quiz 6 Thursday, March 20.

    Quiz 6 Solutions.

  7. Quiz 7 Thursday, March 27.

    Quiz 7 Solutions.

  8. Quiz 8 Thursday, April 10.

    Quiz 8 Solutions.

  9. Quiz 9 Take-home quiz due Thursday, April 24.

    Quiz 9 Solutions.

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