Putnam Problem-Solving Seminar

The 68th annual William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition will be held on Saturday, December 1, 2007.

The competition emphasizes ingenuity rather than knowledge, so freshmen are not at much of a disadvantage compared to seniors. Interest in or experience with problem solving is a plus.

Completely solving even one of the twelve problems is a significant achievement, and in almost all years would place you well above the median.

We'll meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 until 7:45 pm to discuss problem-solving techniques, work on problems, and watch volunteers present solutions and explain how they thought about problems. We'll also eat pizza and/or other snacks (to help us think more creatively!). We'll typically start each session with a short (15-20 minute) discussion of a problem-solving technique. The practice problems that we'll work on each week will consist problems on the technique discussed and other general problems. Handouts will appear below.

Recommended reading and links: