Department of Religion
Mary Suydam
Religion 310: The Hebrew Scriptures
Mary Suydam Ascension 309 PBX 5607 Office Hours MWF 10-12 and by appointment |
Merriam-Webster OnlineDictionary | Ark containing Torah scroll, ca. 1500 --Courtesy Jewish Museum, London |
I. Course Aims:
II. Texts
III. Course Requirements
All students will write 1-2 page papers each week to aid in preparing for discussions of the texts. Ongoing interpretation of the Bible is an important part of the religious communities that value this text; we will be doing this in an academic context. Active participation in discussions is a critical component of this class. Missing more than two classes or two weekly papers will lower your final grade by one full point (B becomes C, for example).
Midterm and final exam questions will be given in advance. The final exam will
be take-home and will be due on the day of the scheduled final exam. The final exam must be typed and double-spaced.
Our primary focus for this course is the context in which the Hebrew Bible developed. But themes in the Bible have been explored and interpreted throughout the history of our culture. There will be weekly short power point presentations on historical or contemporary uses of the Hebrew Bible in western culture: in literature, art, music, dance, drama, psychology. For example, the week we learn about the Exodus, a presentation could focus on depictions of Moses artistically. Presentations should take about 15 minutes. See Guidelines for Presentations. Signup for each week will start the second week of class. Signup List for Presentations
IV. Course Outline
Reading: Jewish Study Bible, 1-11
Barry Holtz, Back to the Sources, chapter 1, pages 1-25 (E-Res)
Jewish Study Bible, 2062-67 (Biblical languages)
Re-Reading the Bible (E-Res)
Genesis, chapters 12-15
Explanation of the terms Copper, Bronze, and Iron Ages
Chart of Bronze and Iron Age periods relating to ancient Israel
Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations
Week 2: Jan. 24-26: Patriarchs and matriarchs; the Joseph cycle
Reading: Ancient Israel, 1-31
Traditions underlying patriarchal stories
Genesis, chapters 12-30; 35, 37, 41-50
Suggestions for presentations: Bob Dylan's Highway 61, the play Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat
Week 3: Jan. 31, Feb. 2: The flight from Egypt; the Covenant
Reading: Ancient Israel, 33-54
Jewish Study Bible, 2041-47 (Purity)
Exodus, chapters 1-15; 19-24; 32-34; Leviticus 11-12; Deuteronomy 5-8
Some principles of Torah commandments
Suggestions for presentations: artistic depictions of Moses, Exodus themes in reggae and American film and music
Week 4: Feb. 7-9: The Promised Land; the conquest of Canaan
Reading: Ancient Israel, 56-90
Numbers 11-14; 20-24; Joshua 1-12; Joshua 24
Jewish Study Bible, 1827-35 (Biblical interpretation)
Suggestions for presentations: American political speeches
Week 5: Feb. 14-16: Formation of Epic; primeval stories
Reading: Anderson, Understanding the Old Testament, chapter 5 (E-Res)
Jewish Study Bible, 2000-2005 (Women's interpretations)
Genesis 1-11
Suggestions for Presentations: Shakespeare, Milton
Week 6: Feb. 21-23: The tribal Confederacy; Judges
Reading: Ancient Israel, 56-90
The Period of the Tribal Confederacy
Jewish Study Bible, 451-455, 1990-2000 (Bible in Israeli life)
Two Theories About Sources for the Early Israelite Monarchy
Judges 2-9; I Samuel 1-13
Week 7: Feb 28, Mar. 2: Saul and transition to kingship
Reading: Ancient Israel, 90-100
Jewish Study Bible, 2084-2096 (Modern study of the Bible)
I Samuel 15-18;28; 31
---------------------------------------------SPRING BREAK--------------------------------------------------------
Week 8: Mar. 21-23: The United Monarchy: David and Solomon
Reading: Ancient Israel, 100-128
II Samuel 5- 8; 11-13; 18
I Kings 1-11
Jewish Study Bible, 2021-2040 (Religions of the Bible)
Week 9: Mar. 28-30: Divided monarchy; the prophets Amos, Hosea, Elijah
Reading: Ancient Israel, 129-150
Jewish Study Bible, 456-61
I Kings 17-19
II Kings 2
Hosea 11-13; Amos 1-5
Week 10: April 4-6: Isaiah; Mosaic reform
Reading: Ancient Israel, 150-192
Isaiah 1-11; Jeremiah 1-5
II Kings 22-24
Deuteronomy 12-26
Week 11: April 11-13: Exile; the priestly tradition
Reading: Ancient Israel, 193-216
Jewish Study Bible, 1863-1875 (Midrash)
II Kings 24-25; Ezekiel 1-20; priestly tradition in Torah
Week 12: April 18-20: Wisdom literature
Reading: Ancient Israel, 216-230
Jewish Study Bible, 1275-79
Proverbs 1-3; 8-10
The book of Job
Week 13: April 25-27: The Psalms and the Megilloth
Reading: Jewish Study Bible, 1279-84; 2097-2104 (Biblical Poetry)
Psalms 8, 11, 23-4; 103-4, 137, 150
Ruth, Esther
Week 14: May 2,4: The Song of Songs; Apocalyptic
Reading: Ancient Israel, 231-254
Jewish Study Bible, 1929-1937 (Bible in the Synagogue), 2072-2077 (Canonization)
The Song of Songs
Interpretations of the Song of Songs
Daniel 1-3; 7-8; 12