Math 347 Projects

Project 1: Due Friday, September 28, 5:00 pm Team 1: Steve, Jim

Team 2: Ariela, Adrienne, Minyu

Team 3: Brook

Each team must first read each problem, and decide which problem to solve. Your final submission should be an 8-15 page paper containing the following components: Use headings and subheadings to construct an outline of your paper. These should break your paper into smaller pieces, each with a clear focus and goal.

In addition to the paper described above, each team must submit a 1 page summary in which you clearly state the problem and your results and conclusions in non-technical terms. You must include all of your main ideas in the summary, but the 1 page limit is strict.

To get started, I recommend doing an internet search to find some current literature on your problem/topics. Feel free to incorporate the ideas that you find in your model, but be sure to cite each source that you use.

Project 2: Due Friday, December 7, 5:00 pm

Each of the following projec topics asks you to study and discuss a continuous dynamic system model in significant depth and detail. Each team should do a bit of preliminary research on each topic, and decide which topic seems most interesting. A summary report of the models that you plan to study, the references that you plan to use, and any possible extensions and/or modifications of the standard models that you plan to consider is due on Thursday, November 15 in class.

Your final paper submission should be at least 10 pages long, and should contain the following components: Use headings and subheadings to construct an outline of your paper. These should break your paper into smaller pieces, each with a clear focus and goal.

You will be able to find significant amounts of information on each of these project topics on the internet and in the library. Part of your task will be sorting through this information to determine what is relevant and/or appropriate.

Some helpful resources about solving open-ended mathematical problems and about writing mathematical papers can be found at the following links. Although these guides are geared towards students preparing for participation in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (which I hope all of you are!), they provide excellent general information.

Some sample open-ended problems and solution papers: