Math 333 Exam Information

Midterm Exam Final Exam

Midterm Exam

The take-home midterm exam will be distributed in class on Thursday, February 21, and will be due at 5 pm on Thursday, February 28. You are allowed to use Maple, your textbook, and your class notes during the exam, but no other sources. In particular, you are not allowed to consult with any students or professors about the exam, and you are not allowed to use the internet or other references. You must sign an honor pledge when you turn in your exam confirming that you have adhered to these guidelines.

Math 333 Exam 1 as a .pdf file.

Exam 1 Answers as a .pdf file

Exam 1 Solutions as a .pdf file

Exam 1 Grade Information:

Mean: 86.9

Median: 91

Standard Deviation: 10.9

If grades in this class were to be assigned solely on the basis of Exam 1, the grade distribution would be approximately as follows:

Final Exam

The take-home final exam will be distributed in class on Tuesday, April 29, and will be due at 11:30 am on Monday, May 5. This due date/time was chosen to agree with the scheduled exam period defined by the College. You are allowed to use Maple, your textbook, and your class notes during the exam, but no other sources. In particular, you are not allowed to consult with any students or professors about the exam, and you are not allowed to use the internet or other references. You must sign an honor pledge when you turn in your exam confirming that you have adhered to these guidelines.

Here is Math 333 Exam 2 as a .pdf file. Note: make sure that you correct Problem 5 on the copy distributed in class. The DE should be (x-1)y''-xy'+y=0, i.e. the coefficient of y should be 1, NOT 4. The version posted here is correct.

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