Math 333 General Information
Spring 2008

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Course Guide: printable pdf version of the handout distributed on the first day of class. The course guide includes information on office hours, homework, grading policy, exam dates, etc.

Course Description

The topics we will cover include:

Course Homepage


Name Office E-mail Phone Office Hours
Dana Paquin RBH 309-A 740-427-5267 Monday 1:30-3:00

Tuesday 1:00-2:00

Wednesday 4:00-5:00

Friday 1:30-3:00

Course Time and Location

Tuesday and Thursay 9:40-11:00 am; RBH 311

You can find a detailed schedule by topics on the Course Schedule page.


There will be a considerable amount of work done (both in class and outside of class) with the computer algebra system Maple. I will not assume that you know any Maple functions or syntax relevant to differential equations, so you will learn what you need to know as we go along. Click on this link for some online Maple references. Maple is available in RBH 311 and RBH 203 (when classes are not in session). Maplbe is also available for installation on your personal computer; contact Terry Klopcic if you are interested in installing Maple on your personal computer.


Paul Blanchard, Robert Devaney, Glen Hall, "Differential Equations," Third Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole.


The best way to learn mathematics is by doing mathematics; thus, homework will be assigned daily. Homework to be graded will be collected once per week, typically on Tuesdays. It serves as your opportunity to make sure that you can not only solve the problems, but also explain your solutions carefully, as this is the only way to be sure that you understand the underlying concepts. It is your job to explain your solution to the reader, not the reader's job to search for a right idea buried in what you have written. Although you are encouraged to work with other students on homework problems, you must write up your final solutions on your own. Often, a large subset of the homework problems will be graded for completion only, and a small subset will be graded for accuracy. You are responsible for making sure that you understand the correct solutions to the problems graded for completion. Homework should be legible with explanations written in complete sentences. Illegible homework will not be read or graded.

Homework must be turned in by the beginning of class on the given due date. No late homework will be accepted. If you know that you will be missing class, you must turn in your homework before you leave. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances, but these must be discussed with me as early as possible.

Homework assignments and additional information about the homework are on the Homework page.

Lab Projects

The ability to express your thoughts coherently in writing is an important mathematical tool. During the semester, you will be asked to complete two laboratory projects, each of which will require the submission of a written report. These assignments will be discussed in more detail in class, and more information can be found on the Labs page. Each lab project will be worth 15% of your final grade.


On most Thursdays, there will be a short quiz. Quizzes and their solutions are on the Quizzes page.


There will be one take-home midterm exam and one take-home final exam in this course. The exam dates are as follows:

Information regarding the exams can be found on the Math 333 Exam Information page.


The basis for your grade in this class has the following components:

There are no predetermined numerical cutoffs for letter grades.

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