Information and Resources for the Final Project

Read these articles about giving a good math talk: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4.

First choose your partner (you can work in groups of size 2 or 3) and a topic in history of mathematics in the Islamic World. The topic should include significant amount of mathematics.

Important Note: Please do not choose a topic without looking at resources first. Therefore, get the books (order them from Ohio link if necessary) well in advance of the first deadline.

Timeline and Deadlines for the Project

Proposal: Let me know, in writing, what topic you choose by Friday November 11. You should submit, in writing, your choice of the topic, the group members, what you plan to cover in the presentation and the paper, and main sources you want to use. If you are doing a topic that we covered in class, make sure you go above and beyond what we did in class and explain how. 1-2 pages would be sufficient for the proposal (one proposal per group).

Outline: Next, you submit an outline of your paper by Wednesday, Nov 30 (3-4 pages). The purpose of the outline is to help you specify and clarify what you will cover in the paper, and to help you make progress towards the final products (paper and presentation). The outline should include more details and specifics than the proposal. It should also include a bibliography. Spacing should be 1 or 1.5.The more you include, the better (one paper per group).

Presentations: You will give a class presentation (about 15 minutes) during the last week of classes.

Final Paper: The final paper is due at the official final exam date for this course which is 6:30 pm, Thu December 15. There is no fixed length for the final paper but keep in mind that it is a subtantial paper and must include non-trivial amount of mathematical material. It should be no less than 6-7 pages (1 or 1.5 spaced). One paper per group. Please do citations properly and avoid plagiarism. Your paper will be checked for potential plagisarism issues.

A good paper has the following characteristics:

Here are some possible topics to give you an idea and get you started but this is not an exhaustive list. You may choose another topic with the approval of the instructor.

Some Useful Books and Other Sources for the Project (can get ideas for possible projects from these sources too)

More resources on Islamic art here.