
Perhaps you would like to raise sheep and lambs on your farm? Ohio is the top ranking state in sheep numbers east of the Mississippi River. Knox County is ranked second in the state just behind Muskingum County. Licking County is third. Sheep
Photo by Ned Salter
Lamb prices rose from $82.00 per head in 1995 to $99.00 per head in 1996. What was the percentage increase in the price per head?
Hint: (New price- old price)/ new price X 100% = % increase
Create a line graph from the data in the following table. Label the vertical axis "Production (in thousands of pounds)" and your horizontal axis "Year".

Wool Production and Value, Ohio, 1991-1995

YearSheep Shorn (thousand head)Weight per fleece (pounds)Production (thousand pounds)Price Per Pound (dollars)
1995 Ohio Department of Agriculture Annual Report

Make another line graph for the price per pound of wool for each year.
What trends do you see in each of the two graphs? Don't forget to give your graphs a title to explain what the graph shows!

What is the value of the wool produced from the sheep in each of the years listed? Give your answer in thousands of dollars. Total value= total production (in pounds) X price per pound

Sheep Cartoon Every farm animal requires a lot of care and sheep are no exception. Besides feeding your sheep herd, taking care of the place in which they live, and calling the veternarian when they are sick you also have to give them haircuts! If you decide that you want to raise sheep for wool then you will need to hire someone to come shear your sheep. In Knox County there is a very special sheep shearer named Bill Kerr who can help you take care of your sheep!

What happens to the wool once our sheep shearer visits? Read the The Story of Wool

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