Ron Elliott, a Knox County dairy farmer,
described spring
as, "a time of creation and regeneration... after we've taken
the blunt and blow of winter." For Knox County
farmers, the rains and warmer weather of April and May are signs
that the planting season will soon begin. It is not until
the ground has become warm and the threat of killing frosts
are gone that farmers can begin their work in the fields.
The seeding of the oats normally begins in mid-April, when the ground
is just beginning to warm up. The corn and soybeans, which
require warmer ground to germinate, are not planted until the latter
part of April or the early part of May. Planting while the ground
is still below fifty degrees can be disasterous for the crop and the farmer.
Therefore, farmers are very cautious and patient when planting
their crop.
Planting season continues into the summer
as the crop continues to be nurished by the spring rains and the arriving sun.
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