Fall 2009

Calculus B - Math 112, Sections 1-2

Instructor: Selin Kalaycioglu

Office: Hayes Hall 317, x5905

Email: kalaycioglus@kenyon.edu

Office hours: M 10-12, W 10-11, Th 11-12, F 10-11

Calculus from Graphical, Numerical, and Symbolic Points of View, Second Edition, Volume 2 by Arnold Ostebee and Paul Zorn.


The second in a three-semester calculus sequence, this course is concerned primarily with the basic ideas of integral calculus and the Riemann sums that serve as its foundation. We will cover in detail the ideas of integral calculus, including integration and the fundamental theorem, techniques of integration, numerical methods, and applications of integration. Analysis of differential equations by separation of variables, Euler's method, and slope fields will be a part of the course, as will the ideas of convergence related to improper integrals, sequences, series and Taylor Series. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or MATH 110Y-111Y, or permission of the instructor.




As you all now we have our third test on Wednesday. The sections that will be covered on the test are: 7.4, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1 and 11.2. There will be 2 review sessions this week. The first one is on Monday on the 16th of November from 5-7 and the second one is on Tuesday from 5-7. You are strongly encouraged to attend. We can order pizza again to make it more fun. Here is a practice worksheet. As usual solving just these problems is necessary but not sufficient to prepare for the test. Make sure that you go over the worksheets, homework problems and the lecture notes before the test.


Final Exam Schedule: 19th of December, 8:30 am and 20th of December 8:30 am


There will be 2 review sessions this week for our second test. The first one is on the 21st of October on Wednesday from 5-7 and the second one is on Thursday the 22nd from 5-7. You are strongly encouraged to attend. Any topic you would like to review, any problems that you want to goover from the HW problems or worksheets please bring with you, so we can go over them. Here is a practice worksheet that has a taste of the subjects that you have to know. But keep in mind that only going over the review sheet is not a good and sufficient way to get ready for the te

In addition to the review here is a worksheet about WORK PROBLEMS.


There will be 2 review sessions this week for our first test. You are strongly encouraged to attend. You should bring questions that you are having trouble with so we can go over them. The first one is on Monday at 6:00 pm, the next one is on Tuesday at 5:00 pm. If you are comfortable with everything and need more questions to practice here is a set of sample problems:

Keep in mind that just going over these review questions is not enough to be ready for the test. You should still look over our class notes, HW problems, readings and worksheets from class to get ready for the test. Practice is the key for getting comfortable with all the concepts we have seen. So try to solve as many problems as you can and bring the ones that you are not understanding completely to the review session.