Course Calendar and Hmw Assignments for Math 435

It is expected that you read all the sections to be covered BEFORE the class and come to class prepared to discuss the topics.

Check this page regularly for updates.

Date Section/Topic/Reading Assignment Written Homework to be Collected Problems to be presented in class
M, Jan 16 18: Intro to Rings Section 18: Mon, Jan 23

6,12,16,18,19,23,33,40,48,50, Suppl Problem 1
F, Jan 20

28,32,37,38,41,42,52,54,55,56, Suppl Problem 2
W, Jan 18 18: Rings and Fields continued    
F, Jan 20 Student Presentations Read section 19 for Monday  
M, Jan 23 19: Integral Domains

Section 19: Due W, Feb 1


M, Jan 30

19: 12,14,23,25,26

W, Jan 25 19: Characteristic of a Ring

20: Fermat's Little Theorem

Section 20: Due W, Feb 1


M, Jan 30

20: 6,8,19,27,28,29

F, Jan 27 20: Euler's Theorem and Congruences    
M, Jan 30 Student Presentations    
W, Feb 1 21: Field of Quotients of an Int Dom

Section 21: Due W,Feb 8


M Feb 6


F, Feb 3 22: Rings of Polynomials

Section 22: Due W, Feb 8


M, Feb 6


M, Feb 6 Student Presentations    
W, Feb 8 23: Factorization of Polynomials

over Fields

Section 23: Due M, Feb 13 (not collected, but do them to study for the exam)


M, Feb 13

8,14,16,17,20,26,29,31,34,35,36,37, stuff from the end of the handout on section 23

F, Feb 10 23 continued    
M, Feb 13 Student Presentations. Take-home part of Exam I is handed out. Due Fri, Feb 17  
W, Feb 15 Exam I: in-class part    
F, Feb 17 26: Ideals and Factor Rings Section 26: Due F, Feb 24


W, Feb 22


M, Feb 20 26 continued    
W, Feb 22 Student Presentations.    
F, Feb 24 27: Prime and Maximal Ideals

Section 27: Due F, March 2


W, Feb 29

6,25,26,27,29,30,32-37, 2 problems from class: i) One direction of a proof, ii) + and * tables for GF(4)

M, Feb 27 27 continued    
W, Feb 29 Student Presentation    
F, March 2 45: UFD's

Due: F, March 23

45: 2,3,9,10,14,21,23,25

M, March 26


M, March 19 45 continued    
W, March 21 Section 45 finished, start section 46

Due F, March 30

46: 2,3,6,7,8,13,15,17

W, March 28


F, March 23 Finish section 46: Euclidean Domains    
M, March 26 Student presentation sections 45 and 46    
W, March 28 Student presentation sections 45 and 46    
F, March 30 Section 47: Gaussian Integers  

W, Apr 4

4-8, 13,15,17,18 + Exercises at the end of the handout

M, Apr 2 Section 47 continued    
W, Apr 4 Student Presentations of problems, section 47 Take Home Exam distributed, due Monday Apr 9  
F, Apr 6 Exam II, in-class part Read Section 29  
M, Apr 10 29: Extension Fields, Alg and Trans Elements

Due W, Apr 19

29: 2,5, 7,8 (for 7 and 8 replace the phrase "be prepared" with "do"),10,12,14,16,17,18,19,23,27,30,31

Monday, April 17

29: 29,32-37

W, Apr 12 29 continued (simple extensions)    
F, Apr 14 30: Vector Spaces

Due W, Apr 19

30: 2,4,5,7,9,10,15,16,20,21,23

Monday, April 17

30: 24-27

M, Apr 16 Student presentations (sections 29, 30)    
W, Apr 18 31: Algebraic Extensions

Due W, Apr 25 (again replace "be prepared" with "do")

31: 3,4,10,12,14-19,22,23,28,35

Monday, April 23

31: 24-27, 29-33,36,37

F, Apr 20 31: Algebraically Closed Fields    
M, Apr 23 Student Presentations    
W, Apr 25 33: Finite Fields

Due M, Apr 30

33: 1,2,4,6-10

F, May 4

Problem set on Finite Fields

F, Apr 27 33: Finite Fields    
M, Apr 30 32: Geometric Constructions  

F, May 4


W, May 2 Special Lecture on Coding Theory Take home portion of final exam handed out  
F, May 4 Student Presentations Final Exam at 8:30 am, Monday May 7