Hilliar Township Fields

92 acre field
Wheat stalk 1. The field on the right has been zoned for agricultural use. If the width of the field is 1/4 mile
and the length of the field is 3/4 mile, what is the area of the field in feet squared? Remember that
there are 5,280 feet in a mile.

Wheat stalk 2. The same field used above is 92.698 acres large. Determine how many houses a developer could build in this field if there was a five acre minimum plot size for each house?
a) How many houses could be built if there was a one acre minimum plot size for each house?

Wheat stalk 3. The field below is 134.242 acres large. The farmer who owns this field is getting out of farming. The farmer divides the land into 5 acre plots and wants to sell it. Each plot is selling for $12,000.
a) After the farmer divides the land into 5 acre plots, how many acres of land will be left over?
b) How much money will the farmer make if each 5 acre lot is sold?
c) Would the farmer make more money if he divided the land into 1 acre plots? One acre plots are selling for $3,000.
134 acre field

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