~Pat Crow, President of the Knox County Visitor's Bureau
With agriculture acting as the main industry in Knox County, family farming contributes to the
local community through the sale of agricultural products. Farming also provides business for dealers of
agricultural equipment and supplies. The
Grange, OSU Extension office,
Farm Bureau and Masons not only
provide service for the farming community, but also sponsor many volunteer and social
activities. Gary Bebout, a retired farmer from Gambier says of his fellow Masons,
"It's just real nice to know you've got friends close and that's what it is, a friendly organization.
It works like the Grange and any other community organization." In addition to these service organizations,
4-H and
Future Farmers of America support and educate many of the county's youth. And every July, along with the young children and adults who display their 4-H projects, the
county comes alive to celebrate all aspects of farming at the Knox County Fair.
Beyond the
Gary Bebout clearly describes this sharing among neighbors within Knox County. When asked
what he considers to be a good neighbor he said, "A good neighbor? I don't know. Someone
who is friendly and they share. They share with you both the good and the bad. If you can't pay
that neighbor back, if that neighbor helps you more that you can help them pass it on and help
another neighbor. You know I learnt that a long time ago." After offering to help his neighbor,
Gary recalls his neighbor's kind response, "Well, I never expect you to pay me back, just pass it along
to somebody else who is friendly." Gary added, "If I can help somebody, well that's
what I want to do."
This friendly nature among neighbors not only establishes close
community ties, but also a stronger sense of security. Pat Crow describes Knox County as safe and,
"You know the schools are decent. There are some things that you don't get in the local
schools that perhaps you could if you went to the cities, but when you put the difficulties the
cities have with discipline, with all of the horrible things you see on the six o'clock news, you
weigh that against the things you don't have in the small schools, to me that scale tips very
carefully to small schools . . .all the opportunities I think are available in a small town . . .and
you know if I leave my car unlocked or my house, no big deal."
Agriculture and
family living seem to be the common threads running through Knox County.
They are responsible for its aesthetics, safety, sense of community and stable
economy. Unlike life in the city,
there still remains a strong system of values, work ethic, activity within the community and an overall sense of comfort.
The rural character of Knox County does not stem solely from its natural state, but from one institution--the family farm.
photo credit: Discover Knox County brochure from Knox County Visitor's Bureau.
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