The images that follow are all a part of the Kenyon College Archives Special Collection.

Robert Penn Warren and John Crowe Ransom

Robert Penn Warren

Robert Penn Warren at Kenyon, 1974

Robert Penn Warren

Robert Penn Warren lecturing at Kenyon

Robert Penn Warren fielding questions in Peirce Lounge


Links to other sites that could be useful pertaining to Warren, Warren's work, Southern literature and literature in general.

Robert Penn Life, works, shoe size and everything else you ever wanted to know about the Man.

Understanding Poetry: An outline of this important work of criticism by Robert Penn Warren and Cleanth Brooks.

Special Collections, Vanderbilt University: Some useful information on Agrarians and Fugatives, and main site for John Crowe Ransom letters.

Special Collections, Western Kentucky University: Information on special resources for Warren students and scholars.

Robert Penn Warren Birthplace Museum: If you're in the neighborhood...

Robert Penn Warren's Modernist Spirituality: New book on this important aspect of Warren's work.

Literary Theory: General review of 20th century literature.

Academy of American Poets: General overview including excerpts of poems.