"It is the policy of the confederated tribes of the Umatilla Indian reservation that the health of the Columbia basin and the pacific ocean be restored, and that all salmon and other native fish species be restored to the same population levels and to all rivers in which they lived prior to the treaty of 1855. We hereby declare that a state of emergency exists in the Columbia basin and pacific ocean which requires immediate action."
-Salmon Policy of the Confederated Umatilla Tribes.
Confederated tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Last Visited: October 27, 1998
Last Updated: October 8, 1998
"The treaties of 1855 simply reserved to the Indians the rights which they already possessed. They traded title to most of the land in the Northwest in return for the right not to be dispossessed of their fishing rights. The tribes negotiated long and hard not to be dispossessed of those rights. No one can claim the Indians got the best of the bargain. It is beyond me to understand why anyone would say it is not fair to the non-Indians, because it honors the solemn promise of the United States of America."
-Judge Robert J. Belloni
US vs. Oregon.
Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Comission
Last Visited: Tuesday October, 27, 1998
Last Updated: October 20, 1997
"As long as the Indian believe that the salmon are important and that they have the legal right, the treaties to uphold to that, then the salmon will survive, but the non-Indians must honor whist treaties in order for that to happen, and when they honor the treaty, it is not only the Indians that will benefit, but all people will benefit."
-Antone Minthorn
Columbia River Treaty Tribes.
Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission
Last Visited: September 29, 1998 2:31PM
Last Updated: February 24, 1998
"We have to take care of them so that they can take care of us. Entwined together inextricably, no less now then ever before, are the fates of both the salmon and the Indian people. The quest for salmon recovery is about restoring what is sacred to its sacred place."
-Ted Strong, Yakama
What is Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission?
Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission
Last Visited: September 29, 1998
Last Updated: October 20, 1998
"In the Northwest, a river without salmon is a body without a soul."
- Timothy Egan, The Good Rain
American Rivers-Northwest Office.
American Rivers Inc.
Last Visited: October 19, 1998 6:26PM
Last Updated: July 20, 1998
"After 15 years of basically studying the salmon to death, the dam operators are finally being forced to listen to the people who know how to save the salmon."
-Jim Baker, director of the Club's Wild Salmon Campaign.
Feature: New Hope for Salmon in the Northwest
Sierra Club
Last Visited: September 21, 1998
Last Updated: July 26, 1996
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