Health Store Employee
Will you please state your name?
Will you please state your place of residence and place of business?
How long have you worked at a health food store?
How did you get started there?
Where do people most often come into the health store from? Are they referred from doctors or alternative healers?
Are they often browsing, looking for a cure for an ailment? Do many people visit on the basis of newspaper or magazine
What types of people most often come into the store? (age, socioeconomic background–Does the store accept food
stamps?, geographic range...)
What types of things are most often sold at the store?
What do you think of the term "alternative medicine"?
Do you prefer another term?
How about "holistic health"?
Do you come in contact with any area practitioners of alternative healing?
Could you describe them and their work?
Do you know of any people who you feel might be willing to talk to us?
Would you say that there is a community of alternative health interests in the area?
Is there anything else that you think we should have asked?
Practitioner Interview Schedule
Will you please state your name?
Will you please state your place of residence and place of business?
Would you describe the therapies which you provide?
How did you discover the field in which you work?
How long have you been in practice?
Would you please describe your training process?
What would you say are the typical problems that clients/patients bring to you?
Are you often the first practitioner who clients/patients see?
Do you provide referrals to other types of practitioners?
If so, please describe.
What types of people most often come to you with ailments? (age, socioeconomic background, geographic range–all
Knox County, gender, religion?)
How long is the average patient/client's visit to your office?
How many visits does treating a particular problem usually entail?
What sorts of rates do you charge for your services?
Is any of it covered by insurance?
In our research, we are focusing on two main types of medicine–allopathic and alternative. How do you feel about
the "other" type? (Allopathic if alternative, alternative if allopathic)
Do you feel that there are connections between the two types in this area?
How do you feel that your work is thought of within the community?
Do you provide preventative care?
What do you think of the current push towards preventative therapies?
What do you think of the term "alternative medicine"?
How about "holistic health"?
Is there a term that you'd prefer?
Do you think that you have any patients/clients who might be willing to talk to us?
Would you say that there is a community of alternative health interests in the area?
Could you tell us anything about the Wellness Center?
Is there anything else that you think we should have asked?