Final Examination


                           Fall 2002


I Choose one of the following for an essay: 50%



a.   Evaluate the impact of African slavery on the South.  Your essay should begin with the seventeenth century and include the twentieth century.


b.   Which caused the Civil War, southern honor or chattel slavery?


c.   Evaluate the influence of religion on southern life.  Your essay should begin with the seventeenth century and include the twentieth century.



II Choose one of the following for an essay: 25%


a.              Evaluate the impact of urbanization on the post-Civil War South.


b.              Which had the greatest impact on the South, Reconstruction or World War II? 


c.   Evaluate the impact of the Progressive Movement on the South.




III  Identify and give historical significance of five of the following: 25%


a.   Scarlet O’Hara

b.   Carl Fisher

c.   William Faulkner

d.        Montgomery Boycott

e.   Plessy v. Ferguson

f.   Muddy Waters

h.   Buck Duke

I.   Thirteenth Amendment

j.   Sub-treasury Plan

k.   Harlem Renaissance


                     HISTORY OF THE SOUTH


                       Final Examination


                           Fall 2001


I Choose one of the following: 75%



a.   Evaluate the impact of the Civil War and World War II on southern life.  Which was the most important?  Which brought about the most fundamental changes?


b.   In what ways has the American South been shaped by European culture.  In what ways has the American South been shaped by African culture.  How is the South neither European nor African?


c.   What single factor do you think best explains “the distinctiveness of the South from the remainder of the nation?”  Your answer should be complex and comprehensive.






III  Identify and give historical significance of five of the following: 25%


a.   Agricultural Adjustment Act

b.   Apostle EF

c.   Huey Long

d.        Sit-ins

e.   The Mississippi Plan

f.   Robert Johnson

h.   R. J. Reynolds

I.   Fifteenth Amendment

j.   Populist Party

k.   David Covington


                     HISTORY OF THE SOUTH


                       Final Examination


                           Fall l993



I    Choose one of the following: 50%


a.   Between l830 and l860 the South became virtually a nation and a people unto itself.  The alienation of southern whites towards the remainder of the nation precipitated the most violent war of the nineteenth century and the most violent conflict in American history.  Yet, in l993, the United States, unlike the Soviet Union, Russia, and Canada, in Lincoln's words, is an "indivisible nation."  In an essay delineate the profound differences that separated the South from the remainder of the nation in l860, and how, since 1877, the South has become an integral part of the United States.


b.   Prior to l865 the South seemed to lack the means to transform itself.  Since l865 the South has undergone a radical transformation.  What forces inhibited change prior to l865?  What forces ignited change since l865? 




II   Chose one of the following: 25%


a.   Write an essay that traces the "rise of  Southern middle class culture" since the end of the Civil War.  How did the history of Mamie Field's family, as presented in Lemon Swamp, exemplify the emergence of southern urban, middle class life?


b.   Write a history of "southern transportation" since the Civil War, showing how the railroad and the automobile shaped and transformed modern southern life.


c.   Compare and contrast Reconstruction with the Civil Rights Movement.  What were the accomplishments of each?  What were the failures?  Which had the most profound impact on Southern life? 




III  Identify and give historical significance of ten of the following:


a.   Bubba

b.   Ann Richards

c.   Birmingham Riots

d.   Little Rock

e.   Plessy v. Ferguson

f.   Grand Ole Oprey

g.   Blues

h.   Fifteenth Amendment

i.   Freedmen's Bureau

j.   Railroad Time

k.   Populism

l.   White Primary

m.   Andrew Johnson

n.   Camels/LSMFT

o.   NAACP

p.   Carl Fisher

r.   Barrel Houses

s.   John Crowe Ransom

t.   Pellagra

v.   Agricultural Adjustment Act



                     HISTORY OF THE SOUTH


                       Final Examination


                           Fall l995



I    Choose one of the following: 50%


a.   To what extent was the Civil War the "central event" of southern history.  How did the Civil War alter southern society?  Why did it have such a profound effect on southern life after Appomattox?


b.  What do you consider the "central theme" of southern history?  What has defined the South from its origins and continues to distinguish it from other regions in the United States? 



II   Choose one of the following: 25%


a.   Compare and contrast the life of Mamie Fields as presented in Lemon Swamp with Celie as presented in the Color Purple.  How do you explain the differences in these two contemporary, southern African-American women? 


b.   Write a history of the "modern" South using southern music as your organizing theme.



III  Identify and give historical significance of five of the following:


a.   "The Fugitives"

b.   Montgomery Bus Boycott

c.   Populist Party

d.   Andrew Johnson

e.   Plessy v. Ferguson

f.   Agricultural Adjustment Act

g.   Camels/LSMFT

h.   Fifteenth Amendment

j.   Railroad Time

k.   Florida Land Boom


                     HISTORY OF THE SOUTH


                       Final Examination


                           Fall l993


I    Choose one of the following: 50%


a.   Between l830 and l860 the South became virtually a nation and a people unto itself.  The alienation of southern whites towards the remainder of the nation precipitated the most violent war of the nineteenth century and the most violent conflict in American history.  Yet, in l993, the United States, unlike the Soviet Union, Russia, and Canada, in Lincoln's words, is an "indivisible nation."  In an essay delineate the profound differences that separated the South from the remainder of the nation in l860, and how, since 1877, the South has become an integral part of the United States.


b.   Prior to l865 the South seemed to lack the means to transform itself.  Since l865 the South has undergone a radical transformation.  What forces inhibited change prior to l865?  What forces ignited change since l865? 




II   Chose one of the following: 25%


a.   Write an essay that traces the "rise of  Southern middle class culture" since the end of the Civil War.  How did the history of Mamie Field's family, as presented in Lemon Swamp, exemplify the emergence of southern urban, middle class life?


b.   Write a history of "southern transportation" since the Civil War, showing how the railroad and the automobile shaped and transformed modern southern life.


c.   Compare and contrast Reconstruction with the Civil Rights Movement.  What were the accomplishments of each?  What were the failures?  Which had the most profound impact on Southern life? 





III  Identify and give historical significance of ten of the following:


a.   Bubba

b.   Ann Richards

c.   Birmingham Riots

d.   Little Rock

e.   Plessy v. Ferguson

f.   Grand Ole Oprey

g.   Blues

h.   Fifteenth Amendment

i.   Freedmen's Bureau

j.   Railroad Time

k.   Populism

l.   White Primary

m.   Andrew Johnson

n.   Camels/LSMFT

o.   NAACP

p.   Carl Fisher

r.   Barrel Houses

s.   John Crowe Ransom

t.   Pellagra

v.   Agricultural Adjustment Act




                     HISTORY OF THE SOUTH


                       FINAL EXAMINATION


                          Spring l992



I    Historians of the South have resorted to numerous themes to explain the history of the region.  Your assignment is to write a "history of the South" from the seventeenth century to present based on one of the following themes: (one hour: 50%)


a) Economic

b) Ethnicity

c) Regionalism

d) Religion

e) Gender

f) Politics



II   Choose one of the following, and in an essay, respond critically to the statement. (one hour: 50%)


a)  "The Defeat of the Confederacy assured the destruction of the South as a distinct region and culture.  Since l865, the South has committed itself irrevocably to become just like the remainder of the nation, a regional variation on the dominant American theme of the pursuit of material prosperity."


b)  "The central principle of the Civil Rights Revolution--equal protection of the law--simply fulfilled the promises of the Civil War as expressed in the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments and the Civil Rights Act of l866.  Rather than a 'revolution,' properly, the Civil Rights Movement should be seen as a 'restoration' of the South to the mainstream of American democracy."


c)  "The idea of southern 'uniqueness' exaggerates the South's quintessential 'American-ness.'  Much of what has always passed as distinctively southern, in truth, was little more than an intensification of what was distinctively American.  In racial attitudes, political behavior, male-female relations, in religious belief, in popular art, Southerners have acted very much as other Americans.  If they had not, the wounds of the Civil War would have never healed."