Kenyon College

Peter Rutkoff

Curriculum Vitae

History 71.03, North by South



American Studies - An Artifactual Introduction
American History Survey
American Culture and Society 1930-1970
The 1960s
Cinema and Society - Europe 1930-1970
The Holocaust, an Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Modern Europe Since the 16th Century
American Immigration, Cities and People


The 1930s - Politics, Arts and Society
American Culture in the 20th Century
American Culture 1945-1960: Text and Context
Europe and America: The Social Sciences
Europe in America: Cultural History
Work, Class and Gender - France and America in the 19th Century
The 1950s: The Beat Generation
Baseball and American Culture
Chicago: History and Culture
The Great Migration and the Building of Urban America
South to North: The NEH Seminar in African-American Urban History

Contact: Peter Rutkoff, Department of History,
Edited: 06-24-97

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