Hypotheses on the Double Tradition, GP # 35 and 38

Questions needing answers

1. Matthew's phrasing as questions establishes Jesus as teacher. 1. Do Luke's statements depict Jesus as more of a leader?
2.  Matthew's audience is a large crowd (sermon on the mount) whereas Luke's Jesus speaks to just his disciples.  
3. Both are a series of sayings rather than stories. 2. Why are these sayings placed differently in Matthew and Luke?
4. "Good things" seems more concrete than "the Holy Spirit". 3. What might the gift of the "Holy Spirit" be?
5. Much of the material seems proverbial in nature. 4. Could changes in wording be structural, artistic, or accidental?
6. Some, however, seems like an "I" saying-- more prophetic. 5. Do "Heavenly Father", "Father", and "God" carry the same meaning?
7.  Both sayings seem like pronouncements. Is there symbolic significance to the items mentioned?
8. "Gentiles" indicates a Jewish audience; "nations" a broader one 6. "Ravens" seem to have a symbolic meaning missing in Matthew's "birds".
9. Context shifts meaning: Matthew's suggests ethical rules on earth. 7. Is the Holy Spirit mentioned often in the gospels? Whose and where?
10. Context shifts meaning: Luke's suggests the imminent end or at least the afterlife. 8. Why would these writers have taken a sayings source and incorporated it into a narrative?
11. The stories may have originally been intended as sayings about the End of times, but later could be more general and ethical. 9.  Is Luke implying a more spiritual reward than Matthew when he refers to the Holy Spirit vs. "good things"?
12. Both writers regarded the sayings as valuable, but for different reasons. 10.  Did Matthew target his gospel towards an audience convinced of Jesus's divinity, where Luke's perhaps had not?
13.  Matthew's question seem more challenging than Luke's simple statements. 11.  Does Luke's focus on the imminent end produce more of a prophetic Jesus?
14. Matthew's audience could need selling; perhaps Luke's is already committed. 12. Does Luke's "nations" have a more revolutionary tone, setting up all nations as against God?
15.  The many similarities argues for some kind of Q text being referenced.  
16.  Matthew's version is more about following God, Luke's about following Jesus  
17.  Was the Sermon on the Mount a stylistic device rather than a real event?