Some Statements from Unitarian Web Sites

1. "Although our services vary each year, we try to celebrate many of the great religious holidays in some way that speaks to the UU faith, including Easter, Passover, Summer and Winter Solstices, Day of the Dead, Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwaanza. Religious ceremonies include marriages, memorial services, child dedication and naming ceremonies, and coming of age ceremonies. In addition, we have our own annual traditions, such as an intergenerational Mystery Friends event around Valentine's Day, a Flower Communion Sunday in early June, and a Homecoming/Ingathering service in early September."
--Unitarian Church of Boulder, Colorado

2. "Religious Education activities for teens and adults include small group classes, book discussions, and other activities. We currently offer:
Buddhist Meditation - - Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Friends Meeting House,.
Book Discussion Group - Thursdays (TBA for Fall)
Seventh Principle Study Group - meets regularly for a pot-luck supper, study of the book Chalice and The Blade, and seasonal rituals.
We also have an active Social Justice Committee which offers learning opportunities about social and environmental issues, including our new Green Sanctuary Committee.
We hope to soon begin a teen and adult learning class on Building Your Own Theology by Richard S. Gilbert." - Unitarian Church of Visalia

3. "The Church was founded in 1643 by a dissenting group who refused to subscribe to unreasonable beliefs. They were persecuted and some were imprisoned in Dover Castle. In the early 1800's these 'General Baptists' became Unitarian ( asserting the Oneness of God). They questioned belief in a Trinity and considered the religion of Jesus (Love God and your neighbour) more important than a religion about Jesus. They rejected Original Sin, the Virgin Birth, and the condemnation of non-believers." - Unitarian Church of Dover, England

4. Water Communion Service- Water is a symbol of spirituality and an inclusion. This ritual speaks to our connectedness to one another and to our place on this planet. We cannot survive without water, nor flourish without tending to the spirit of community that flows around and through us all. Because we tend to scatter during the summer, we schedule our Water Communion Service in early September to mark the beginning of the cooler seasons and a return to the community of our Fellowship. Members gather a small quantity of water from wherever they go during the summer as a reminder of where they went and that they carried their UU connection there with them. They then bring that small bit of water to the Water Communion Service to pour into a common bowl and briefly tell where the water came from and how it represents a connection to UUism and the fellowship. At the end of the service, a small amount of the commingled water-now representing the commingled lives of the Fellowship-is reserved for use on occasions such as child dedications and weddings. - Unitarian Church of Gaineville