Guidelines for class and group discussion:
Based on Nathan Rutstein’s Healing Racism in America (1993)


1. We are not always going to agree or see everything the same way, and that’s ok.  Each person has a right to and responsibility for his or her own feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. 
2.  Try to avoid criticism or judgment about another person’s thoughts, feelings, or point of view.  It's fine to disagree, and it's often appropriate to do so.  However, this should be done respectfully, using “I” statements. 
3.  Feelings are important.  Give yourself and each other permission to laugh and cry, to be sad and afraid, and even to be angry and confused. 
4.  We can only change ourselves.  Our change and growth may, however, inspire someone else. 
5.  Don’t silence yourself because you are afraid of offending someone else.  By doing so, you deprive yourself and others of a potential learning opportunity.  We will, at times, make mistakes in our dialogue, but mistakes are occasions for learning.  Indeed, in a class like this, they’re a necessary part of the learning process. 
6.  Allow others, as well as yourself, the freedom to change and grow.  Our goals are knowledge and growth, not accountability.