Course Procedures

Mathematics 111---Calculus I

Instructor: Carol S. Schumacher

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Text:  Calculus Early Transcendentals, by W. Briggs and L. Cochran plus access to online homework system MyMathLab

Grading: The grade will be calculated based on 5  components:

Homework Written Assignments 7% of the final grade
Online Assignments 3% of the final grade
Two projects/projects 15% of the final grade
"Gateway" exam 10% of the final grade
Two quizzes 15% of the final grade
Two tests Each is 15 % of the final grade
Final examination 20% of the final grade

In addition, regular class attendance and class participation are expected. Due to the nature of the course, a failure to fulfill these expectations will result in a lower course grade.

Homework : Practice is a primary component of the mathematical learning process; thus homework problems will be due on a daily basis. Most assignments will have two parts: there will be a set of routine problems that you will complete in the online homework system MyMathLab and a few more challenging problems that you will write up and turn in.

Online Homework: Your textbook has an accompanying online homework system called MyMathLab. One of the nice things about MyMathLab is that it will give you immediate feedback as to whether you are doing the problems correctly. You can enter an answer, check it, and then rework the problem, if necessary. Occasionally, I will make it possible for you to get some hints/help from the system as you go along. The system will generally allow you three possible attempts to get each problem right.Unless otherwise specified, online homework will be due at noon the day before your class. This will spread out your workload and give you a heads-up if there is something basic you are missing that you will need for the written assignment.

Written homework assignments: Beyond just providing practice on basic concepts and computations, the written problems are meant to be extend and deepen the understanding you have gained from the reading, the class, and the online homework. The problems are not always easy, but the thought that goes into them always pays off in the long run. All of this means that much of the learning you do will be done outside of the classroom, but it doesn't mean that when class is dismissed you are on your own. I strongly recommend that you start on the homework as soon after class is over as possible. That way, if (when?) you get stuck on an assignment you can come to see me or go to the MSSC and get help before it is due.

Late homework policy:

Projects: Being able to express yourself in writing is important in mathematics, as it is in any other field of endeavor. During the semester you will be asked to write two short papers on topics relevant to the class. For each of these papers you will be working with one or two partners. Your group will turn in a single paper and, except in extraordinary circumstances, each member of the group will receive the same grade.

The process of writing a paper has two major components, each of which should constitute about half the work on the paper. The first is to work out the mathematical details of the topic that you have been assigned. The second is to make sense of those mathematical details and to organize them into a coherent narrative. The paper may very well include symbols, computations, and graphs; however, these will need to be accompanied by generous verbal explanations that explain the mathematical ideas.

Writing math papers:  Write as if your intended audience were a fellow student in the course who has not considered the question you have been asked to write on.  In other words, the instructor is not your intended reader; you are writing to a first-time student of calculus who knows only what you knew when you began to work out the details of the topic on which you are writing. The essay must not assume your reader has access to a statement that defines the problem.  You thus need to provide introductory material and diagrams that set up the problem as well as explaining the solution to it.  Turn in a single paper for your group.

Writing center math writing liaison. John Zito is a junior math major who works at the writing center. John is assigned as the writing liaison for writing in Calculus courses. I strongly recommend that you make appointments, early and often, with John so he can help you work on your mathematical writing. (You will meet John in our class around the time that the first project is assigned.)

Maple. In this course you will be using a powerful mathematical software package called Maple. It will be an integral part of the course, so you will be expected to become rapidly comfortable with its basic features.

Quizzes. You will be asked to take two quizzes during the semester.

Differentiation "Gateway" Exam. In a nutshell, the calculus is a coherent set of ideas that describe change using mathematics. Whereas symbolic manipulation is not the central idea of the course, it is the language in which we describe the mathematical ideas of the calculus and a powerful set of tools that help us use those ideas to answer questions that interest us. Essentially, they are the grammar rules that we add to English grammar to help us speak the language of calculus. It is imperative that you obtain sufficient facility with symbolic manipulation that the manipulations themselves do not form a barrier between you and the ideas that they represent. They have to become part of the background.

The gateway exam is a purely computational exam, designed to make sure that you are obtaining the analytical (grammatical) skills that you need to do calculus. On the exam you will be tested on your ability to differentiate a wide range of elementary functions using the various differentiation rules that will be discussed in the class (the sum and difference rules, the factoring-out-the-constant rule, the product rule, the quotient rule, and the chain rule---and possible combinations of these). You will also be asked to find the equation of the tangent line to a given function at a given point. The gateway exam will consist of seven problems. You will need to get all of them correct in order to pass.

There are no errors that "don't count." Leaving out a parenthesis, or putting equal signs between things that are not equal are errors, and will be treated as such. Our ability to use the grammar correctly affects our ability to think about and express mathematical ideas. I expect you to use all aspects of symbolic grammar correctly; nevertheless, I recognize that sometimes one makes the written equivalent of a typo.  So you will be allowed up to one minor notational error on the gateway exam. 

The gateway exam will be given in class a few days after all the techniques of differentiation are covered.  If you pass the gateway exam the first time you take it, you will receive the entire 10% plus a 2% bonus for getting it right the first time. (That is, a total of 12% out of 10% possible!) If you do not pass the exam the first time, you will need to take the exam outside of class hours by arrangement with Prof. Schumacher. You will be allowed to take at most two retakes per week and at most one per day. You will not be allowed to take a gateway exam after 4 p.m. on Friday, December 13 (the last day of classes). If you pass the gateway within two weeks after it is first offered in class, you will receive the full 10% credit. If you pass it after this time you will receive 5% (half of the total possible). If you do not pass the exam, of course, you will receive no credit for this aspect of the course.

Tests: You will have two short quizzes and two major tests during the semester. Each of these will cover mostly the material which has been covered since the previous; however, you always will be responsible for any material in the course in as much as it relates to the topics being tested. 

Test and Quiz dates

These dates are approximate. Though I will try not to do this, I reserve the right to adjust the schedule slightly to accomodate the coverage of material in the course. If I do decide to change the dates, I promise to give you sufficient notice.
Quiz # 1 Monday, September 16, 2013 *
First Test Wednesday, October 9, 2013  
Gateway Exam Monday, October 28, 2013 Given once in class when techniques of differentiation are in place; after that, in office hours or by appointment.
Quiz # 2 Friday, November 8, 2013  
Second Test Wednesday, November 20, 2013  
Final Examination

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

From  6:30-9:30 p.m. (Note that this is the time designated by the registrar for Period 2 classes.)

If you cannot attend the final exam due to illness or another unforseen  emergency,  permission to take the final at another time must be granted by the dean's office.  See the student handbook for details.

The final examination will be a cumulative, three hour final.

Academic honesty: Though you are encouraged to work with other students on outside assignments, it is understood that every piece of written or computer-generated work that you submit must finally be your own. In any case, if you work with a fellow student or students, you should make a note of this on your paper. (There is no penalty for this! It is merely a matter of academic honesty.) If the assignment is a group assignment, the members of the group should contribute equally to writing the final product---in other words, don't put your name on a paper written by others.

Collegiate Statement on Academic Honesty: Kenyon College is, at the core, an intellectual community of scholars – students and faculty – engaged in the free and open exchange of ideas. Critical to this lively exchange and deep engagement with ideas is the academic integrity of our work, both inside and outside the classroom.

At Kenyon we expect all students, at all times, to submit work that represents these standards of academic integrity.  It is the responsibility of each student to learn and practice the proper ways of documenting and acknowledging those whose ideas and words you have drawn upon (see Academic Honesty and Questions of Plagiarism in the Course Catalog).  Ignorance and carelessness are not excuses for academic dishonesty.  If you are uncertain about the expectations for academic honesty in this class, please ask for clarification.

Resources for help: You will have two primary sources of help with the course. Prof. Schumacher is happy to help in class or out of class. If you wish to get help from her outside of class, please check her office hours or make an appointment at another time. Moreover your class has a lead tutor assigned through the Math and Science Learning Skills Center. The MSSC is open Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7-10. Your lead tutor will have specific office hours that will be announced in class. Other students in your class can also be a source of help.

Please don't consider my office hours or your lead tutor's to be a resource of last resort. They are a part of the course like any other, and many of my very best students have been 'regulars' in office hours. There is much that can be done for you in a one-to-one situation that is simply not possible in a group setting. You should take advantage of the fact that we are easily available to help you outside of class.

I encourage you to form a study group: Having a classmate or small group with whom to work and talk regularly about classwork is a well-known factor in improving performance in calculus.

Disabilities: If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, feel free to discuss your concerns in private with me, but you should also consult the Office of Disability Services at 5453. The Coordinator of Disability Services, Erin Salva (, will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are appropriate. (All information and documentation of disability is confidential.) It is Ms. Salva that has the authority and the expertise to decide on the accommodations that are proper for your disability. Though I am happy to help you in any way I can, I cannot make any special accommodations without proper authorization from Ms. Salva.

1. The tests and the final will mostly emphasize the big ideas. Of course, when you write about anything, you need to be able to use good grammar. So in the course of the exams, you will certainly be expected to use the computational skills you acquire to talk about the ideas, but only incidentally.