b o i d   m o d e l s

<A HREF="../models/3cr.mov">[View QuickTime Movie]</A>

Many different models of boids have been implemented. Craig Reynold's model (above), which sticks to simple, non-realistic, abstract boids, was one of the first. Some people at Georgia Tech have used boids to model the movements of groups of bicyclists, as well as one-legged, hopping robots (below).

<A HREF="../models/SiggraphBikes.mov">[View QuickTime Movie]</A>

For a class project, this person simulated a duck pond using boids (below).

<A HREF="../models/ducks.mov">[View QuickTime Movie]</A>

This company uses boid models to produce realistic animation sequences of crowd behavior, here is an attempt to replicate Reynold's results, and this woman created a fish schooling model that includes predators (below).

A scene in The Lion King involving a stampede of wildebeests was modeled using boid techniques (below).

<A HREF="../models/Stampede.mov">[View QuickTime Movie]</A>

Among other cool activities, the Virtual Whale Project has created a model of Pacific herring schooling using boids. The video below shows a simulated school of Pacific herring being attacked by two humpback whales.

<A HREF="../models/school.mov">[View QuickTime Movie]</A>

Althought these models are aesthetically appealing and appear to quite accurately simulate real herd animal behavior, all boid-based models suffer from problems.

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last updated: May 5, 2000 (chris boone, sam hillier)