Curriculum Vitae
Bradley A. Hartlaub
Kenyon College
Department of Mathematics
Bailey House
100 College Drive
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Phone: (740) 427-5405
- 1992, Ph. D. in Statistics, The Ohio State University
- 1988, M.S. in Statistics, The Ohio State University
- 1986, B.A in Mathematics, Millersville University
- Kenyon College
- 2003 - present, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
- 1996 - 2003, Associate Professor of Mathematics
- 1992 - 1996, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- 1991 - 1992, Instructor of Mathematics
- 1990 - 1991, Visiting Instructor of Mathematics
- Bowdoin College
- 2011 (Fall Semester), Visiting Professor of Mathematics
- The Ohio State University
- 1996 - 2000, Adjunct Associate Professor of Statistics
- 1993 - 1995, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Statistics
- 1988 - 1990, Research Associate, Department of Statistics
- 1986 - 1988, Teaching Associate, Department of Statistics
- 2013 - present, Associate Provost, Primary areas of responsibility include:
- Member of the President's Senior Staff
- Visiting faculty searches (shared with Jan Thomas)
- Hiring adjunct faculty (shared with Jan Thomas)
- Recruit and hire administrative assistants for the academic division (shared with Jan Thomas and Darlene Tedrow)
- The Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation Fellowship Program, direct searches, and mentor Yarbrough Dissertation Fellows
- Supervise the administrative assistants for the academic division (shared with Jan Thomas)
- Supervise Director of the Writing Center, Director of the Math and Science Skills Center
- Chair, Environmental Health and Safety Committee
- Chair, Institutional Review Board
- Work with Coordinator of Faculty Support (Darlene Tedrow) on faculty office and equipment needs and faculty research support
- Assist the Provost with Budget planning for the academic division
- Member of grant writing teams for proposals to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, and National Science Foundation (S-STEM)
- Coordinate course enrollment management with the Registrar
- Direct the access card reader project for the academic division
- Direct the CIRCOS mapping project to illustrate the connection between student majors and their careers
- Oversee student research and collaborative research between students and faculty
- Oversee affiliated scholars
- Administrative liaison to academic departments in the natural sciences and humanities
- Administrative liaison to the faculty committees responsible for curricular policy, resource allocation, assessment, and student affairs
- Administer the annual departmental reports, departmental and general education assessment, and periodic external reviews of departments and programs
- 2013 - present, 2008 - 2010, Executive Committee of the Faculty
- 2012 - 2013, 1998 - 1999, Chair, Division of Natural Sciences
- 2008 - 2010, Chair, Committee on Academic Standards
- 1999 - 2003, Chair, Department of Mathematics
- 2014, Distinction in Mentoring Award, Kenyon College Greek Council
- 2006, Fellow of American Statistical Association
- 2003, 1998, Who's Who Among America's Teachers
- 1996, Trustee Award for Distinguished Teaching, Junior Category,
Kenyon College
- 1991, Journal Award for Academic Achievement, OSU Statistics
- 1988, Selected as One of the Best Graduate Instructors, OSU
Statistics Department
- 1987, Outstanding Teaching Associate, OSU Statistics Department
- 2011-2015, NSF: DRK12 (#118618), "LOCUS: Levels of Conceptual Understanding in Statistics," CO-PI, $2,078,088 (Joint project with Tim Jacobbe, Jeff Haberstroh, and Robert delMas)
- 2011, Mathematical Association of America, "Beyond Introductory Statistics: Generalized Linear and Multilevel Models," $25,971, (Joint with Jim Albert from Bowling Green State University). This workshop for college professors is part of MAA's PRofessional Enhancement Program (PREP), funded by NSF grant DUE-0817071, and will be held at Kenyon College in July 2012.
- 2010, Mathematical Association of America, "Teaching Statistics Using Active Learning and Technology," $21,034.25, (Joint with Jim Albert from Bowling Green State University). This workshop for college professors is part of MAA's PRofessional Enhancement Program (PREP), funded by NSF grant DUE-0817071, and was held at Kenyon College in July 2011.
- 2008-2011, NSF: UBM Group, “Investigating the Mathematical Biology of Metabolic Scaling using Manduca InSTaRs (Interdisciplinary Science Training and Research),” Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics Grant (#0827208), CO-PI, $236,410 (Joint project with Harry Itagaki, Chris Gillen, Judy Holdener, and Drew Kerkhoff)
- 2000, Faculty Development Grant (Teaching Initiative Fund) to
Participate in Undergraduate Statistics Education Initiative Workshop
in Alexandria, VA.
- 1999, Enhancing Learning in Probability and Statistics via
Symbolic Computing and Internet Technologies, $15,000 Grant from Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation's Grant, Enhancing Learning: Collaboration with
Technology, to Denison University and Kenyon College (Joint
project with Brian Jones and Zaven Karian)
- 1998, Intuitive Introductory Statistics, Author Grants from
Addison Wesley Longman to support the development of an introductory
textbook (Joint project with Doug Wolfe)
- 1994, Faculty Development Grant to Participate in a Chautauqua
Short Course on Statistics (The course focused on hands-on
laboratory-type activities for the classroom.)
- Cannon, A. R., Cobb, G. W., Hartlaub, B. A., Legler, J. M., Lock, R. H., Moore, T. L., Rossman, A. J., and Witmer, J. A., Stat2: Building Models for a World of Data, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, (2014)
- Hartlaub, B. A., Teacher’s Solutions Manual for Yates, Moore, and Starnes’s The Practice of Statistics, Third Edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, (2008).
- Multiple Regression for The Basic Practice of Statistics, David S. Moore, Fifth Edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, (2010).
- Jacobbe, T., Hartlaub, B. A., and Whitaker, D., "Motivation for and Benefits from Attending the AP Statistics Reading, Journal of Education and Training Studies, (2013): 32-37.
- Yeoh, A. J., Davis, K., Vela-Mendoza, A. V., Hartlaub, B. A., and Gillen, C. M., "Effect of Body Size on Expression of Manduca sexta Midgut Genes," Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, (2012): 141-51.
- Franklin, C. Hartlaub, B., Peck, R. Scheaffer, R. Thiel, D. and Tranbarger-Freier, K. AP Statistics: Building Bridges Between High School and College Statistics Education, The American Statistician, 65, no. 3 (2011): 177-182.
- Roman-Odio, C. and Hartlaub, B. A. Classroom Assessment of
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Developing a Strategy for College
Faculty, Hispania, 86, no. 3 (2003): 592-607.
- Lehman, J. S., Wolfe, D. A., Dean, A. M., and Hartlaub, B. A.
Rank-based Procedures for Analysis of Factorial Effects. In Recent
Advances in Experimental Designs and Related Topics. Huntington,
New York: Nova Science Publishers, (2001): 35-64.
- Hartlaub, B. A. and Jones, B. D. Counting
Eights: A First Activity in the Study and Interpretation of Probability,
Teaching and
Resource (STAR) Library, 2001.
- Hartlaub, B. A., Dean, A. M., and Wolfe, D. A. Rank-Based Test
Procedures for the Presence of Interaction in the Two-Way Layout With
One Observation Per Cell, The Canadian Journal of Statistics 27,
no. 4 (1999): 863-874.
- Hartaub, B. A. and Wolfe, D. A. Distribution-Free Ranked Set
Sample Procedures for Restricted Alternatives in the k-Sample Setting, Environmental
and Ecological Statistics 6 (1999): 105-118.
- Hartlaub, B. A. Nonparametric Aligned-Rank Test Procedures
for the Presence of Interaction in the Two-Way Layout With One
Per Cell, (Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1992).
Co-Advisors: Professors Angela M. Dean and Douglas A. Wolfe.
- Wolfe, D. A., Dean, A. M., Wiers, M. D., and Hartlaub, B. A.
Nonparametric Rank-Based Main Effects Test Procedures for the Two-Way
Layout in the Presence of Interaction, Journal of Nonparametric
Statistics, 1 (1992): 241-252.
- Wolfe, D. A., Dean, A. M., and Hartlaub, B. A. Nonparametric
Rank-Based Test Procedures for Non-Additive Models in the Two-Way
Layout I. No Replication, Communications in Statistics - Theory and
Methods A19, no. 11 (1990): 4355-4382.
- Zwilling, B. S., Brown, D., Christner, R., Faris, M., Hilburger,
M., McPeek, M., Van Epps, C., and Hartlaub, B. A. Differential Effect
of Restraint Stress on MHC Class II Expression by Murine Peritoneal
Macrophages, Brain, Behavior and Immunity 4 (1990):
- 2013, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Grant Carney '15, "Fitting and Assessing Statistical Models for Well Water Samples and Health-Related Quality of Life Variables in Coal Mining Regions of West Virginia.
- 2011, Suzanne Rohrback '11, "A Novel Approach for Analyzing Kinetic Data from Variants of a Calcium-Binding Protein," First Place Award in the Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition sponsored by CAUSE
- 2010, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Nathan Huey '13, "Comparing Classical and Alternative Methods of Regression in the Context of Metabolic Scaling," Nathan received the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
- 2010, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Kyle Davis '11, "Variability in Measurements with Manduca sexta"
- 2009, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Rob Long, “Alternative Regression Models for Body Measurements of Manduca sexta and a Monte Carlo Simulation of Coverage Probabilities for Interval Estimates of Fold Changes with real-time PCR data”
- 2008, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Katie Woods, “Statistical modeling of real time PCR data for membrane transporter expression in Manduca sexta larvae,” (Katie presented this research at The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2009 Annual Meeting, January 2009 in Boston, MA)
- 2008, Kenyon Summer Science Scholar Mentor for Dustin Schneider, “Parental Feeding in Leach’s Storm Petrels”
- 2006, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Agnese Melbarde, "Design and Modeling of Metabolic Scaling for Manduca sexta"
- 2002, Council on Undergraduate Research Student Summer Research
Fellowship in Science and Mathematics, $3000 to support Amy Wagaman,
a Kenyon Summer Science Scholar and recipient of a Barry M. Goldwater
Scholarship, "Extending Rank-Based Test
for Interaction to a General Two-Way Layout" (Amy presented
work at CUR's Undergraduate
Research Posters on the Hill, April 1, 2003.)
- 2001, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Sara Vyrostek,
"Examining Record Values in the Olympic Games"
- 1999, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Nels
Christiansen, "Do Stock Prices Follow a Random Walk"
- 1996, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Lei Yu, "Fourier
Series and Wavelets: Methods of Approximating Functions"
- 1994 - 1995, Received a $25,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation to direct a pilot study of Kenyon College admissions and
enrollment data. This project provided a culminating experience for two
Senior Honors Candidates in Mathematics, Greg Stark and Brian Vannoni,
and involved collaborative work with Bev Morse, the Director of
Admissions at Kenyon College.
- 1995, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Lori Mannheimer,
"An Investigation into the Pay Differential Between Genders"
- 1995, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Eric Newman, " An
Investigation of Randomness"
- 1994, Pew-COSEN (Carolina & Ohio Science Education Network)
Faculty Sponsor for Elizabeth Worrall, "An Evaluation of the
Methodology Used to Determine Who is Number One"
- 1994, Kenyon Summer Science Faculty Mentor for Gregory Stark,
"Should We Be Concerned About Assumptions of Normality"
- Statistical Consultant, Jackson Kelly Attorneys at Law PLLC, Statistical Models for Well Water Samples, 2011-2012.
- Enrollment Management Committee Member and Mentor for Yinan Yu '11, "Kenyon College Applications: Trends and Predictions," 2010-2011.
- Work-Made-For-Hire Agreement with W. H. Freeman and Company,
2005, Multiple Regression & Two-Way ANOVA Supplement for The Basic Practice of Statistics.
- Work-Made-For-Hire Agreement with W. H. Freeman and Company,
2004-2005, Accuracy Check for Introduction
to the Practice of Statistics, Fifth Edition.
- External Consultant, Review of the Mathematics and Computer
Science Department at Dickinson College, November, 2001.
- Work Made for Hire Agreement #DC-AP017 (and Addendum#01) with
The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin,
2000-2002. Multimedia Materials for Thinkfive AP Statistics
Project were published on Modules for
Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distributions, Sampling
Distributions, and Sampling Distribution of a Sample
Mean. Agile Mind, Inc., 1999-2003.
- Assessment Methods for Multimedia-Based Language Learning,
$15,000 Grant from Project 2001, Middlebury College, 1999-2000 (Joint
research with Clara Roman-Odio and Susan Palmer)
- Assessment of Multimedia-Based Methods for Language Learning,
Ohio5 Small Grant Award, $4100, Summer 1999 (Joint research with Clara
- Coordinator for KAP (Kenyon Articulation Program) Statistics
Course, Kenyon College Outreach Program, 1997 - present
- Consultant, The College Board and The Education Testing Service,
Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Program, 1995 - present
- Chief Reader, 2003-2007
- Chief Reader Designate, 2002-2003
- Instructor, AP Teacher Development Institutes
- July 27-30, 2011, Grandville High School, Grandville, MI
- July 26-30, 2010, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE
- July 26-30, 2004, Hamburger University, Chicago, IL
- June 28-July 2, 2004, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- July 15-20, 2002, Visitation Academy, St. Louis, MO
- July 6-11, 1999, Visitation Academy, St. Louis, MO
- Workshop Leader for one day AP Teacher Training Conferences:
- March 17, 2010, Triton College, River Grove, IL
- March 16, 2010, Triton College, River Grove, IL
- October 18, 2007, Beloit College, Beloit, WI
- July 12, 2007, AP Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- November 25, 2003, Butler University
- March14, 2001, Triton Community College
- March 13, 2001, Experienced Teachers, Triton Community
- October 14, 1999, Marquette University
- March 9, 1999, Schoolcraft College
- October 9, 1998, Xavier University
- March 20, 1998, Triton Community College
- October 17, 1997, Washington University
- March 7, 1997, John Carroll University
- December 3, 1996, Otterbein College
- October 31, 1995, Eastern Michigan University
- AP Statistics Readings:
- May 31–June 9, 2009, Exam Leader, Louisville, Kentucky
- May 30-June 10, 2007,
Chief Reader, Louisville, Kentucky
- June 8-14, 2006, Chief Reader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- June 9-19, 2005, Chief Reader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- June 9-19, 2004, Chief Reader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- June 9-19, 2003, Chief Reader Designate, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
- June 9-18, 2001, Table Leader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- June 9-18, 2000, Table Leader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- May 30-June 8, 1998, Table Leader, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
- June 6-13, 1997, Table Leader, The College of New Jersey,
Trenton, NJ
- Assessment
- Reviewed AP Statistics Exams for ETS, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Member of the Test Development Committee, 2002-2007
- Item Writer, August, 1996;
March, 1997; November 1998
- Research Contract with the Central Intelligence Agency, 1993-1994
- A Comparison of Traditional Instruction with a Cooperative
Learning Method in Elementary Education for Jewel Porter, 1994
- Analysis of Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin Readership Survey,
- Evaluation of Kenyon College Faculty Salaries, 1990
- Consultant, OSU Statistical Consulting Service, 1988
- Kenyon College
- Case Studies in Quantitative Reasoning
- Elements of Statistics
- Statistics in Sports
- Calculus A (Differential Calculus)
- Data Analysis
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Design and Analysis of Experiments
- Probability
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Regression Models
- Mathematical Statistics
- Junior Honors: Statistics (Topics varied from year to
year and included bootstrapping, linear regression, order statistics,
game theory, time series, and nonparametric regression)
- Senior Honors: Statitics (Topics varied from year to
year and included design of experiments/ANOVA, categorical data
analysis/logistic regression, statistical computing, Monte Carlo
simulation methods, and multivariate statistics)
- Bowdoin College
- Advanced Topics in Probability and Statistics
- The Ohio State University
- Elementary Statistics, Stat 125 and Stat 135
- Business Statistics, Stat 133
- Nonparametric Statistics, Stat 661
- Chair, Waller Education Award Committee, The American Statistical Association, 2014-2015.
- Chair-Elect, Chair, Past Chair, Section on Statistical Education, The American Statistical Association, 2011-2013.
- Author of AP Updates and Calls for Readers
- Hartlaub, B. A. Professors Needed for AP Statistics Program, AMSTAT News, November 2004, Issue
#328, 33.
- Hartlaub, B. A. A Quick Look at the 2004 AP Statistics Exam, STATS, Fall 2004, Issue #41, 19-20.
- Hartlaub, B. A. Larger AP Program Brings Together More
Educators, AMSTAT News,
October 2003, Issue #316, 50.
- Program Committee Member, U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics
(USCOTS), May 19-21, 2005
- Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics
Education (CAUSE) Advisory Board, 2003-2007
- Consultant, American Statistical Association Guidelines for
Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE), 2003-2004
- Project NExT Consultant, 2000 - 2001, 2001 - 2002
- Elected Member of the Executive Committee, Section on
Statistical Education, The American Statistical Association, 2001-2003.
- Development Team, The American Statistical Association -
Undergraduate Statistics Education Initiative, 1999 - 2001
- Cannon, A., Hartlaub, B., Lock, R., Notz, W., and Parker,
M. Guidelines for Undergraduate Minors and Concentrations in
Statistical Science, Journal of Statistics Education 10,
no. 2 (2002).
- August 6, 2001, "Implementing the USEI Guidelines for
Undergraduate Programs in Statistics," Invited Panelist, Joint
Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia.
- August 8, 2001, "Creating and Sustaining an Undergraduate
Statistics Minor or Concentration," Roundtable Discussion Leader, Joint
Statistical Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Program Chair, Section on Statistical Education, 1999 Joint
Statistical Meetings in Baltimore, MD (Organized and/or scheduled
invited technical exhibits (6), invited sessions (3), special
contributed sessions (5), and regular contributed sessions (5).
For more information on the statistical education program, see the
articles listed below.)
- Hartlaub, B. A. Statistical Education and Crabs-Don't Miss JSM
1999 in Baltimore. Amstat News, May Issue, 30 (1999).
- Hartlaub, B. A. An Overview of the Statistical Education
Program for JSM 1999 in Baltimore. Newsletter: Section on
Statistical Education of the American Statistical Association 5,
no. 2, (1999): 3-5.
- Roundtable Organizer, Section on Statistical Education, 1998
Joint Statistical Meetings in Dallas, TX
- Chair, Session 171, "Technology for Helping Students Learn
Statistics," 1996 Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL
- Chair, Session 178, "Using Computers in Teaching Statistics,"
1995 Joint Statistical Meetings, Orlando, FL
- ASA/MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics, 1994-1997
- President, Columbus Chapter of The American Statistical
Association, 1993 - 1994
- Evaluator for tenure and promotion reviews of colleagues at other institutions
- Invited Book Reviews:
- Design and Analysis of Experiments for
Springer-Verlag, 1995-1996
- Elementary Statistics Laboratory Manual,
appeared in The American Statistician, November 49, no. 4
- Refereed manuscripts for the following journals:
- The American Statistician
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Journal of Statistics Education
- Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
- The College Mathematics Journal
- The Psychological Record
- Metrika
- KAP Advisory Board, 2006 - present
- Inauguration Committee Member, Symposia Subcommittee Chair, 2013
- Instructor, Total Performance Math Camp for Swimmers, 2013
- Center for Global Engagement OCS Committee, 2012-2013
- International Education Committee, 2008-09
- Committee on Academic Standards, 1993 - 1997, 2007 - 2010
- Grievance Committee, 2005-2006
- Chair, Mathematics Department Tenure-Track Search Committees,
1994 - 1995, 1999 - 2000, 2000 - 2001, 2001 - 2002, 2009 - 2010
- Mathematics Department Search Committees (numerous times)
- Fitness, Recreation, and Athletic Steering Committee, 2000
- 2001
- Quantitative Reasoning Subcommittee of Curricular Policy
Committee, 2000
- Summer Science Scholars Committee, 1998 - 2001, 2007 - 2011
- Steering Committee for Comprehensive Study of Recreation,
Fitness, and Athletic Facilities, 1998 - 1999
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant Steering Committee, 1996 -
- Self-Study Steering Committee, 1998 - 2000
- Science Division Building Committee, 1996 - 2000
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (for one tenure review), 1998 -
- Chair, Fairchild Grant Writing Committee, 1998 - 1999
- Selection Committee for Distinguished Teaching Awards, 1998 -
1999, 1996 - 1997
- Host and Presenter for Dr. Leonard Lodish, Honorary Degree
Recipient, Honors Day, April 15, 1999
- Selection Committee for NEH Professorship, 1996 - 1997
- Petitions Subcommittee of Academic Standards Committee, 1993 -
- Fairchild Grant Writing Committee, 1995 - 1996
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant Writing Committee, 1995 -
- Funding Education Committee, 1993 - 1994
- Science Division Grants Committee, 1992 - 1993
- Science Literacy Committee, 1991 - 1992
- Running
- The Earth Day Challenge, Half Marahon, April 6, 2014, 2:08:37
- The Earth Day Challenge, Half Marahon, April 25, 2010, 2:01:33
- The Earth Day Challenge, April 19, 2009, Marathon Relay (with Melissa King and Rukshan Rodriguez), 4:12:00
- Columbus 1/2 Marathon, October 19, 2008, 1:48:08
- The Earth Day Challenge, April 20, 2008, Marathon Relay (with Agnese Melbarde and Mike Zabek), 4:00:50
- Columbus Marathon, October 15, 2006, Chip time: 3:38:40
- Columbus Marathon, October 17, 2004, Chip time: 3:24:10
- Boston Marathon, April 19, 2004, 3:54:25 (Chip time: 3:51:04)
- Capital City Half-Marathon, April 3, 2004, 1:39:00
- Chicago Martahon, October 12, 2003, 3:25:07 (Chip time: 3:24:07)
- Boston Marathon, April 21, 2003, 3:44:58 (Chip time:
- Columbus Marathon, October 20, 2002, 3:15:57 (Chip time:
- Columbus Marathon, October 21, 2001, 3:21:34 (Chip time:
- Columbus Marathon, October 29, 2000, 3:44:39
- Columbus Marathon, Coed Relay Team (Samplers), November 14,
1999, 3:30:28
- Columbus Marathon, November 8, 1998, 3:35:47
- Columbus Marathon, November 9, 1997, 4:05:57.26
- Golf