R script (AppendixB-LiveCoding.R) added to our !Class material folder - THANKS ALEX!
Problem session for Activity 2
- Volunteers will drop their solutions into !Student R Code - Solutions for Activities and Exercises on our Google Drive folder. Please title them Activty2-yourname.pdf and Activity2-yourname.R.
Chapter 3 - A grammar for graphics
- Our textbook uses the ggplot2 package and I want you to get familiar with that package. However, if you prefer lattice or base graphics, then keep using them for your projects.
- RStudio demo - see GettingStartedwithGraphs.R
Activity for Appendix C
- Discuss the algorithmic thinking described in Appendix C with a partner (or two). Implement and discuss the functions desribed in C.1 through C.3.
Please read Section 4.1 for class on Monday.