Problem session for Activities 5 and 6 will be on Wednesday
Chapter 4 - Data Wrangling on one table
- Complete discussion of DataWrangling1.R
Chapter 5 - Data Wrangling on multiple tables- see DataWrangling2.R on our Google Drive folder
- A grammar for data wrangling (dplyr package) continued
- inner_join() - match up the rows of two data tables
- left_join() - the rows of the first table are always returned, regardless of whether there is a match in the second table
Activity 6 - we will have a PS on Wednesday
- Replicate the data wrangling used in the extended example for Manny Ramirez. My challenge to you is to do a similar example for another player.
Please read Sections 6.1 and 6.2 for class on Wednesday.