Discussion of "The use of R as a Toolbox for Mathematical Statistics Explortation" by Nicholas Horton, Elizabeth R. Brown, and Linjuan Qian, The American Statistician, 2004
- Brief history of R
- initially written by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka of the University of Auckland
- similar to S language developed by Bell Labs
- Section 3 - Example Scripts - See horton-tas.R
- Running average
- Simulating the sampling distribution of the mean
- Sampling from a multivariate normal distribution
- Power and sample size calculations
- Empirical power calculations (useful for comparing competing test procedures)
- Bootstrapping of a sample statistic
- Iteration to maximize a likelihood (uses the Newton Raphson algorithm)
- ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves
- EM (expectation-maximization) algorithm
- Bayesian inference
Discussion of Power and Monte Carlo Power Studies
- Review Power Activity
- Sample R code - see Stat226_MC_Power.R in our Google Drive folder