Introduction of our MSSC Tutor - Andrew Nguyen
Discussion of R code to simulate Pi
- Volunteers will drop their solutions into !Student R Code - Solutions for Activities and Exercises in our Google Drive folder
Chapter 2
- What was you take away message from:
- barcharts of money spent in 2012 election?
- scatterplots of number of votes versus money spent in 2012 election?
- Networks - see Chapter 20
- Composing data graphics - similar to cooking, according to Nathan Yau
- Taxonomy for data graphics
- visual cues - see Table 2.1
- coordinate systems - Cartesian, Polar, Geographic (see Chapter 17)
- scale - numeric, categorical, time
- context - consider small multiples (facets), layers, and animation
- color - Be Careful and consider using RColorBrewer package or other options
- The importance of data graphics - Challenger disaster
- Static data graphics with ggplot2 - see Chapter 3
- Interactive data visualizations - see Chapter 14
- Data and Art really do go together!
Live Coding from Appendix B
- Help in R
- example() function
- Assignment statement in R
- Environment tab
- Getting certain elements of an object
- Comparing elements of a vector to a scaler
- Operators - +, -, *, /, ^ (exponentiation), %% (modulus), and %/% (integer division)
- Boolean operators - or, and, not, xor - |, ||, &, xor()
- Lists (later)
- Matrices
- dataframes and tibbles
- Functions
- rep() function
- seq() function
- data.frame()
- cbind()
- attributes()
- str()
- print()
- print.data.frame()
- class()
- typeof()
- glimpse()
- str()
- options()
- quantile()
- names()
- objects()
- ls()
- session::session_info()
- update.packages()
Class Activity - Exercises from Appendix B
Please read Chapter 3 for class on Friday.