General Location-Scale Model
See GoogleDrive\Stat216-Nonparametrics-F2023\!Class Notes\Section5.1-Notes-BH.pdf
Ansari-Bradley Statistic for Scale Differences
- Another scoring function
- Order the X's and Y's from least to greatest
- Assign Scores:
- 1 to the smallest and largest observations
- 2 to the 2nd smallest and 2nd largest observations
- 3 to the 3rd smallest and 3rd largest observations
- ... continue this process until you meet in the middle.
- Let Rj denote the score assigned to Yj, j=1, ..., n.
- Ansari-Bradley Statistic: c=sum of Y scores
- Null distribution (when m=3 and n=3)
- Large Sample Approximation
- Ties Correction (see p. 156) - overall recommendation is the same as before
- See GoogleDrive\Stat216-Nonparametrics-F2023\!Class examples and labs\Ansari-Bradley - Examples in R.RMD
Class time to complete our sixth lab activity - see GoogleDrive\Stat216-Nonparametrics-F2023\!Class examples and labs\Ansari-Bradley - Lab Activity.RMD
Please read Section 5.2 for class on Friday.