Complete problem session
See GoogleDrive\Stat216-Nonparametrics-F2023\!Class Notes\Section7.1-7.2-Notes-BH.pdf
Distribution-Free Test for a Randomized Block Design
- Model
- Hypotheses
- Freidman's Test Procedure
- Rank the observations within block i.
- Find the rank sum and the rank average for the jth treatment
- Compare the rank averages to their expected value to form the Friedman test statistic
- Large sample approximation
- Ties
Exercise 12 on page 303
- See hichild.csv and hichild.R in our Google Drive folder
Class Activity
- Use R to compute the Friedman test and address the rounding first base question in Example 7.1 on p. 293
Ordered Alternatives for a RCBD
- Hypotheses
- Page's Procedure
- Rank the observations within each block
- Compute the rank sums
- Page's test statistic is the weighted sum of the rank sums
- Large sample approximation
- Ties
Exercise 19 on p. 314
- By hand
- Use ppage() and R to replicate the analysis we completed by hand
Please read Sections 7.1 through 7.5 for class on Friday.