Chapter 1 - Simple Linear Regression - See Sec1.1R and Sec1.2-3R
- Review of simple linear regression
- Purpose
- Functional versus statistical relationship
- Formal Model
- Method of Least Squares
- Assumptions
- Normality
- Independence
- Homogeneity of variance
- Estimation of variability about the regression line
- Residuals
- Residual = observed - predicted
- Assessing the fit
- Residual plots (used to check assumptions)
- Plot residuals against explanatory variable and other available variables
- Construct a normal probability plot for the residuals
Examples with R
- Open GoogleDrive\Stat206-DataAnalysis-F2023\2eMarkkdown\Sec1.1.Rmd
- Open GoogleDrive\Stat206-DataAnalysis-F2023\2eMarkkdown\Sec1.2-3.Rmd
In class exercises
Please complete your reading of Chapter 1 for class on Wednesday.