Handouts are due on Wednesday, October 11
- All Subsets Regression
- Permutation Test for Correlation
Identifying unusual points in regression - Section 4.4
- Identifying unusual residuals and influential points
- Standardized residuals
- Studentized residuals
- Leverage
- Cook's distance
- dffits
- dfbetas
Coding Categorical Variables - Section 4.5 - covered in PS with manduca sexta exercises
Randomization test for a relationship - Section 4.6 - covered on permutation test handout
Bootstrap for Regression - Section 4.7 - extremely valuable
R Demonstration
- See GoogleDrive\Stat206-DataAnalysis-F2023\2eMarkkdown\Sec4.4.Rmd
- See GoogleDrive\Stat206-DataAnalysis-F2023\2eMarkkdown\Sec4.7.Rmd
- Bootstrapping handout - alternative inference methods
- Identify unusual and influential points in the perch data and the StateSAT data.
- Use best subsets and stepwise regression to identify the best model for predicting winning percentage for MLB teams in MLB2007Standings. (See Exercise 4.3 on p. 188.)
We will have a problem session on Wednesday.