Introductions/Course Roster
Course web page
Collecting our first data set
- Resting pulse
- Pulse after 1 minute of exercise
- Varsity athlete or not
- Distance traveled to get from your home to Kenyon College
Review Discussion - See Google Drive folder Stat206-DataAnalysis-S2023\2ePowerPoint\Sec0.1-2R.ppt
- Parameter versus Statistic
- Sampling distribution of sample average
Introduction to R and RStudio - See Google Drive folder Stat206-DataAnalysis-F2023\2eMarkdown\Chapter0.Rmd (Notebook for Chapter 0)
- Launching RStudio
- Reading in a csv file.
- Understanding the structure of your data frame
- Basic plots
- Basic descriptive statistics
- Loading packages
- Saving Scripts
Please read Chapter 0 for class on Monday. Also, please download and install R and then RStudio before class on Monday. (The video Download RandRStudio in the Google Drive folder R videos for Kenyon College will step you through this process.)