Welcome back to Statistics in Sports!
Getting comfortable with Zoom
- Turning on and off your mic and video
- Raising your hand
- Chat with everyone via the chat window
- Sharing things with only me (use email for this confidential communication)
- Please don't hesitate to stop me or ask me to explain things again (audio and video can cut in and out, especially if you are on your phone or using wifi)
- Sharing my screen
- Changes to our Google Drive folder - new folders for exams and quizzes, course materials (sample R code), and data sets from the text
- You should not have to go to the P:\ drive for anything for this class
- All of the new folders start with ! so they are at the top of your list. You should not be able to see the !Grades folder or any folders with HW and exams for other students in this class
Discussion of Exam 1
- Class average is 79.79%, standard deviation is 15.2%, and the median is 86.45%
- My solutions (Exam1-S2020-Solutions.pdf) are in the folder !Quiz and Exam Samples
- Your graded exams have been scanned and uploaded to your HW folders
- Let's step through the solutions on my screen
- The R code for the exam is in the file !Class Materials\Exam1-S2020.R
- I may ask some of you to read your solutions as we go through this together so we can all begin thinking about statistics again
Modifications to the course syllabus
- There will be no more timed exams
- Office hours will be held via Zoom sessions and you can set up an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. If my list of available appointments does not work for you, just let me know and we will set up another time to Zoom
- Grades will be determined using a slightly different method since Exam 2 is cancelled. I have decided to reallocate that 15% to HW and Presentations so that each of those major categories will now be worth 25% each. Presentations will also include your participation in our class zoom sessions.
Review of where we were before break
- Class Activity - Look back at the Guessing Correlations Activity from February 26
- Complete one or two of these together and then try the Zoom Rooms
- Do you have any questions about correlation?
Chapter 11 - Using Relationships to Make Predictions
- Three different tests for association (these tests are equivalent for simple linear regression models)
- Correlation test
- t test for slope coefficient
- ANOVA F test
- Try opening the online version of our textbook - bookshelf.vitalsource.com
- Return to Exercise 13 on p. 443 - Open Big12.R
- Saving residuals and fitted values
- Residual plots
- Questions from your reading:
- What are influential points?
- What is extrapolation?
Please read Chapter 12 for class on Wednesday