Chapter 6 - Paired Data
- Using R to compare the mean or median difference
- Example - Exercise 25 on p. 220 - Coors Field: Is this a hitter's park?
- Open P:\Data\MATH\Hartlaub\SportsStats\SRIS Data\Chapter 6\Ex6-25.csv
- Previous Student Project - Open P:\Data\MATH\Hartlaub\SportsStats\Presentations 2009\Coors Field Final.PPT
- Discuss the difference between independent samples and paired data
- Use R to form the difference for each pair
- Use t.test to make the appropriate inference
- Use wilcox.test to conduct the signed rank test
- Download and install the package BSDA, and then conduct the sign test using SIGN.test(x, md=0)
Project Proposals
Please e-mail me no later than 9:00 pm on Monday, February 3with the names of the people in your group, a short description of your project, and a preferred date for your presentation (sometime between February 5 and February February 14).
In class exercises for Chapter 6
- Use R, SRIS applets, or Statkey to solve Exercises 3, 17, 19, and 25
Reminder: Our first quiz is on Friday and it will cover Chapters 1-4.