I want to thank Nathan Chandler for the quick turn around on your HW assignment. He is trying very hard to help you as you move forward with this course.
Questions for Cora, Hayley, and Joe
Chapter 13 - Nonlinear Relationships
- Fitting an exponential model with R
- How do you transform y=ab^x to create a linear function?
- Illustration of this transformation with Exercise 17 on p. 534 - see Cyclist.R
- Fitting a logistic regression model with R
- We need to deal with the logit transformation, p-hat = exp(a+bx)/[1+exp(a+bx)].
- Exercise 27 on p. 537 - see SuperBowl2010.R
Problem Session (in between or after the project presentations)
- Exercises 22 on p. 535 and 23 on p. 536
Have a great weekend and have fun working on your projects!