Probability Distribution and Shape
> restart;
> with(plots):
The Poisson Distribution
The Poisson( ) distribution is a discrete distribution on the non-negative integers {0,1,2,...}.
The parameter must be positive.
If X is a random variable having the Poisson( ) distribution, then the probability distribution
function for X is
f ( k ) = P( X = k ) = , k = 0, 1, 2, ...
Recall the convention 0! = 1.
The following code will draw a probability histogram for the Poisson( ) distribution
for =2, but you are encouraged to try other values of .
> lambda:=2;
> ProbHist(PoissonPDF(lambda,x),0..20,21);
To see the effect of on the shape of the Poisson( ) distribution, the following
animation will draw a series of probability histograms as varies from 1 to 15.
> for n from 1 to 15 do
> num:=convert(evalf(n), string):
> tracker[n]:=textplot([18,0.3,`Lambda is `.num],color=blue):
> H[n]:=ProbHist(PoissonPDF(n,x),0..25,26):
> P[n]:=display({H[n],tracker[n]}):
> od:
> display([seq(P[n], n=1..15)], insequence=true,title="Lambda is Increasing from 1 to 15");