Probability Distribution Function and Shape
The Gamma Distribution
A random variable
has a Gamma(
) distribution if and only its probability density is given by
> 0
f ( x ) =
0 elsewhere
> 0.
The following code will draw the density function for the Gamma(
) distribution for
, but you are encouraged to try other values. Remember to make sure that they are both positive numbers.
> restart;
> with(plots):
> alpha:=2; beta:=3;
> f(x):=GammaPDF(alpha,beta,x);
> plot(f(x),x=0..20, title="Gamma(2,3) PDF");
To see the effect of
on the shape of the Gamma(
) distribution, the following animation will draw a series of probability density functions as
varies from 0.1 to 2.1 by increments of 0.1 while holding
constant at 3. Do you see why
is a "shape" parameter?
> alpha[0]:=0.1; alpha_step:=0.1; beta:=3;
> for n from 0 to 20 do
> density[n]:=plot(GammaPDF(alpha[0]+n*alpha_step,beta,x),x=0..20):
> num:=convert(evalf(alpha[0]+n*alpha_step,3),string):
> tracker[n]:=textplot([14,0.3,`alpha is `.num],color=blue);
> P[n]:=display({density[n],tracker[n]}):
> od:
> display([seq(P[n], n=0..20)], insequence=true, title="Ranging Alpha");
This next bit of code will animate a Gamma(
) with a dynamic
, holding
constant at 2.
will vary from 0.2 to 3 at intervals of 0.2. Do you see why
is a "scale" parameter?
> alpha:=2; beta[0]:=0.2; beta_step:=0.1;
> for n from 0 to 30 do
> density[n]:=plot(GammaPDF(alpha,beta[0]+beta_step*n,x),x=0..20):
> num:=convert(evalf(beta[0]+n*beta_step,3),string):
> tracker[n]:=textplot([14,1,`beta is `.num],color=blue);
> density[n]:=plot(GammaPDF(alpha,beta[0]+beta_step*n,x),x=0..20):
> P[n]:=display({density[n],tracker[n]}):
> od:
> display([seq(P[n], n=0..30)], insequence=true, title="Ranging Beta");