Complete Problem Session for Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - More discrete distributions and their relationships
- Geometric distribution
- Mean, variance, memoryless property
- dgeom(k, p), pgeom(k, p), and rgeom(n, p) with RStudio
- Negative binomial distribution
- Mean and variance
- dnbinom(k, r, p), pnbinom(k, r, p), and rnbinom(n, r, p) with RStudio
- Hypergeometric distribution
- dhyper(k, r, N-r, n), phyper(k, r, N-r, n), and rhyper(k, r, N-r, n) with RStudio
- Relationship with binomial distribution
- Summary of discrete distributions
Please complete your reading of Chapter 5 for class on Wednesday.