Chapter 6 - Continuous Probability
- See Chapter6 - CDF - Uniform distribution - transformation of variables.pdf in our Google Drive folder
- Definition and application of the cumulative distribution function (cdf)
- Properties of the cdf
- Transformation of Variables - Technique #1 - Using the cdf
- The relationship between a pdf and a cdf
- Transformation of Variables - Technique #2 - Using the pdf
- Finding the median and other percentiles for continuous distributions
- Find the mean and variance for continuous distributions
- Joint distributions for continuous random variables
- Marginal distributions for continuous random variables.
- See Chapter6 - Exponential distibution.pdf in our Google Drive folder
- The general form of the pdf for an exponential distribution
- The cdf for an exponential distribution
- The mgf for an exponential distribution
- The mean and variance for an exponential distribution
- An application of the exponential distribution
- The memoryless property of an exponential distribution
We will have a problem session on Friday. Please read of Sections 7.1 - 7.3 for class on Monday.