Linear Algebra
Math 224
Fall 2008


Professor Bradley A. Hartlaub
Office 305 Hayes Hall
Phone PBX 5405
Office Hours

Required Text

Bretscher, Otto (2005), Linear Algebra with Applications, Third Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall
Learning Disabilities
If you have a disability and feel that you may have need for some type of academic accomotation(s) in order to participate fully in this class, please feel free to discuss your concerns with me in private and also self identify yourself to Erin Salva, Coordinator of Disability Services at PBX 5453 or via e-mail at
Software Package & Computing
The computer algebra system Maple will be used throughout the course. Maple is available in PRC 01, RBH 203, and RBH 311. You can also install a version of this software on your own personal computer. If you are interested in taking advantage of this option, please see Mr. K on the first floor of Hayes Hall for an installation disk. Assignments and course announcements will be sent to you via e-mail or posted on the course web page. Maple worksheets and other files will be placed in P:\Data\MATH\Hartlaub\Linear Algebra. Proper maintenance of computer accounts, files, etc. is your responsibility. I recommend that you back up your worksheets and other files on a regular basis.

Daily Reading Assignments

Reading the textbook before each class is a necessity. Come to class prepared with questions and comments for discussion. Make sure that you read and understand the examples. You will be responsible for the material covered in the assigned readings and provided on the daily agendas.


Homework assignments will be given throughout the semester. Subsets of these assignments will be collected and graded. You should work on as many problems as possible, including problems which have not been assigned. The best way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics. Working with other students is encouraged, but you must submit your own solution for each of the assigned problems to be collected.
Problem Sessions
During the semester we will have problem sessions which will be conducted by you (the students). These sessions are designed to improve your understanding of the major concepts and enhance your mathematical reasoning skills by requiring a clear, detailed presentation of the material to your peers. During these sessions, you will be responsible for solving an assigned problem and presenting the solution to the rest of the class. Answering all questions about your solution is a required part of the presentation. Being able to solve problems and being able to present the solutions to a group in a logical and coherent fashion are two different tasks. Our goal is to master both tasks.
Late Policy
Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date. No credit will be given for late papers. If for any reason you cannot turn in your paper on the assigned date, you must contact me before class. If you are unable to contact me, you can leave a message with Connie Miller (PBX 5069) or send e-mail to

Writing Project

The ability to express your thoughts coherently and concisely in technical writing is iimportant. During the semester, you will be asked to write a 5-10 page paper on a topic relevant to Linear Algebra. Possible paper topics include:

Projects are due on Thursday, November 20 at 5:00 pm. I would be happy to discuss possible topics with you at any time during the semester. The earlier you start thinking about this writing assignment, the easier it will be. You must have your topic approved by me before the end of October. Your project will be graded on how well you cover your topic, including writing style. References should be included for all sources.

Your course grade will be based on your overall percentage. The categories used to determine your overall percentage are listed below with their respective weights. Class participation will be used to help make borderline decisions.

Course Outline