Comment on feedback from Minute cards
Chapter 5 - Comparing two means or two medians
- Using R to compare means and medians
- Example - Exercise 3 on p. 176 - Do the noisy crowds in the Metrodome help the Minnesota Vikings play better defense?
- Discuss different formats for 2-sample data (stacked versus unstacked)
- t.test(x) - one sample t test
- t.test(x,y) - two sample t test
- t.test(x,y, paired=TRUE) - paired t test
- wilcox.test(x,y) - Wilcoxon rank sum test
In class exercises for Chapter 5
- Use SRIS applets or Statkey to solve Exercises 3, 19, 21, and 23
Reading Assignment -
Please read Chapter 6 for class on Friday.
We will have our first quiz on Friday during the second half of class.