Chapter 8 - Standardized Scores and Normal Distributions
- Creating z-scores with R
- scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
- z-score = (x-mean(x))/sd(x)
- Finding areas under Normal Curves - Modification to Exercise 1 on p. 290
- Area to the left - pnorm(x, mean=___, sd=___)
- Area to the right
- Area between two values
- Finding percentiles - qnorm( p, mean=___, sd=___)
- Relationship between Normal Curves and the Standard Normal Distribution.
In Class Exercises
Chapter 7 - Measures of Variability
Chapter 8 - Standardized Scores and Normal Distributions
Reading Assignment -
Please read Chapter 8 for Class on Friday.
Wednesday will be a LAB day where you will work on in class exercises and begin working on your projects.