Complete Chapter 1
- Did LeBrone James choke in the playoffs? (31.5% ability; 25.7% performance; n = 70)
- Is Sidney Crosby a clutch hockey player? (13.9% ability; 19% performance; n=79)
- Any additonal questions about your reading?
Simulation with Minitab - demonstration
- Calc > Random Data
- Calc > Calculator > set up your new variable
- Calc > Calcularor > create a cumulative count using the PARS (partial sums function)
- Calc > Make Patterened Data > create a list of trials from 1 to n
- Calc > Calculator > create a cumulative proportion
- Graph > Scatterplot > plot the cumulative proportion versus trial number
Chapter 2
- Is there a home field advantage in the NFL?
- Hypothesis Testing - see handout for definitions
- How do we establish causation?
- What is confounding?
- Simulation with cards - one trial
- Use Statkey or SRIS website to simulate sampling distribution of the difference in two proportions.
Class exercises from Chapter 2
Reading Assignment -
Please read Chapter 3 for class on Monday.