Chapter 10 - Exploring Relationships Between Numerical Variables
- Exercises 1 and 2 on p. 379 - Open Detroit Lions 2008.mtw
Common Types of Relationships
- No Association
- Positive Association
- Negative Association
Measuring the strength of assocation
- Pearson’s correlation coefficient
Properties of r
- r > 0 indicates positive association.
- r < 0 indicates negative association.
- Extreme values r = 1 and r = -1 indicate perfect linear association.
- The value of r remains unchanged if the unit of measurement of X, Y, or both changes.
- r measures only the strength of linear association between two variables.
Class Activity
Class Exercises for Monday
- 10.11, 10.12, 10.31, and 10.41
Please read Chapter 10 for class on Monday. We will have a problem session on Monday.