Chapter 13 - Nonlinear Relationships
- Fitting an exponential model with Minitab
- How do you transform y=ab^x to create a linear function?
- Illustration of this transformation with Exercise 17 on p. 534 - see Cyclist.MTW
- Fitting a logistic regression model with Minitab
- We need to deal with the logit transformation, p-hat = exp(a+bx)/[1+exp(a+bx)].
- Exercise 27 on p. 537 - see SuperBowl2010.MTW
- In class exercises - 22 on p. 535 and 23 on p. 536.
Class time for projects on statistical models/relationships/predition
- We will begin our presentations on Monday.
- Please check the web page regularly for reading assignments. The papers will be posted in P:\Data\MATH\Hartlaub\SportsStats\Presentations 2013.