Homework to be graded will be collected once per week, typically
on Tuesdays. It serves as your opportunity to make sure that you can
not only solve the problems, but also explain your solutions carefully,
as this is the only way to be sure that you understand the underlying
concepts. It is your job to explain your solution to the reader, not
the reader's job to search for a right idea buried in what you have
written. Although you are encouraged to work with other students on
homework problems, you must write up your final solutions on your own,
as the homework is intended to be preparation for the quizzes and
exams. Homework may involve computer exercises as well as hand-written
and computer explanation. Homework should be legible with explanations
written in complete sentences. Illegible homework will not be read or
graded. Homework must be turned in by the beginning of class on
the given due date. No late homework will be accepted. If you know that
you will be missing class, you must turn in your homework before you
leave. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances, but
these must be discussed with me as early as possible.
In addition to the homework that will be graded and collected, I
will often suggest additional problems for you to work on, especially
in the beginning of the semester when a significant amount of drill
work is necessary to master the new definitions and concepts. Although
this homework will not be graded or collected, I strongly encourage you
to solve the suggested problems. You should not worry about formally
writing up solutions to the suggested problems; rather, just make sure
that you are able to solve them and that you understand the underlying
concepts. Note that you should also be reading the textbook sections as
you do the homework--the examples are a great help.
Please feel free to ask questions about any problems (assigned or
otherwise). I am always happy to help.